The Mythic map pack!?!?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by philthyphillup, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    valhalla is blood gulch. valhalla i reckon is way better than blood gultch. we also have avalanche, sandtrap, rats nest and last resort they are all really big maps. we dont really need anymore. BTB has failed in halo 3. we also have lots of medium sized maps. this is why bungie are making more small maps. i like it my love for MLG is going to grow
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I disagree. Blood Gulch/Coagulation>Valhalla.
    I dont mind BTB. I reckon Big Team Slayer on Last resort is awesome. My team generally wins, and normally within the first 30 seconds, depeneding on my spawn, I'm holding the shotty, the sniper and camo.
    But yeah, I'm kinda done with the larger maps. I'd like to see more mid-small sized maps. More like Ghost Town and Last Resort.
  3. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    actually, i think it be cool to have another big map, like the size of sandtrap. I love maps that involve veicles and things like that. maybe put in an original hornet with the rocket missles this time.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Bungie screws things up a little bit too often. I think a halo game needs a battle creek and gulch map, they just kind of define halo.
  5. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    blood gulch would be a great remake, although either with more cover or a single spartan lazer where rockets are, and with a looong respawn time. anyways was chill out! a popular map? like is it alot of fun? cause i never played halo CE
  6. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Umm Valhalla is in no shape or form better than Blood Gultch, or Coagulation. They barely even resemble each other... man cannons...?

    Also if we got 3 arena maps that are great, I would never doubt Bungie ever again. Those sorts of competitive maps are exactly what Halo needs right now.
  7. Rose Red

    Rose Red Ancient
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    Chillout is in the new pack allong with I hope two new maps.
  8. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    well bungie is doing something on friday and 7/7 maybe they will be releasing cold storage by its self. just a posibility
  9. zaloog

    zaloog Ancient
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    this is a great idea!!! we do need more btb maps their all really fun
    a very large c shaped island level with a base on both side with covenant still elephants that can drive in the water and tall cove shaped rocks judging out of the water (for air combat). this would be great if the island its self had lots of cover such as caves. great things would come of this like great machinama and a perfect pirate game especially if you died if junped in the water to deep
    #49 zaloog, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  10. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    water vehicles would be freaking awesome. there could be like an elephant vehicle that goes in water. then there would be islands with bases on them. but how would they block of the sides, like barriers? would they just have a random sudden barrier that u couldnt pass in the water? or would they have large jutting cliffs?

    OH another freaking awesome thing would be like a warthog that could go in water and ground!!!! YES! an underwater submarine thing would be cool too.
    #50 wiggums, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2008
  11. zaloog

    zaloog Ancient
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    yah it would be great for team games they would need new vehicles

    just think forgers could build atlantes
    #51 zaloog, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  12. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    lol, a Cortana level-like map.

    No. How about a Southwest Desert map. Cactuses included.
  13. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    A all mlg map pack would suck. I think you forgot that most people don't play mlg. a good map type template is small, medium, and somewhat big
  14. Fynis96

    Fynis96 Ancient
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    A map pack I would like:
    1. Reach from the book "The Fall of Reach"
    2. An on ship level you space lol floating around and you can hit some button and it takes you to the next area, you cant get off but you can see the scenery out the window? Would also be cool to get out of the ship and walk on the outside lol.
    3.A water map like said in around the first posts. But you can spawn objects that float over water and can move like a vehicle when in pretty much a boat lol.
    4.A complete blank map...sort of like foundry with walls, a ceiling and a flat ground....but the size of Sandtrap..and you have 4x the props that you had in Foundry lol. Could make anything there.

    Things we should be able to spawn in new maps
    1. Characters with a controllable ai you know hit x twice and choose wether on your side or not.
    2. An openable door...You know you want something like this. PERFECT for machinimas.:D
    3.Undrivable vehicles ( Pelican, anti-air wraith, Phantom, etc.)That would be awesome...even if it was drivable or not..yet again perfect for machinima or if drivable , a team game. (fly over the base in a pelican, whole teams in it and one has the bomb and jumps out, lands on roof (of course you need a roof..otherwise you could land on bomb point and win lol)
    4.This goes along with the roof part in my third spawnable prop want.Being able to open something not to strong like a know maybe have something that burns a whole in the roof and you can drop in heh.
    5. And what my favorite spawnable prop would be will actually be a feature I would rather have...a stupid freeze tool so you can freeze something while in forge mode and dont have to worry bout it at all! and a weld tool like in Garrys mod so that it sticks with the object you weld it with.

    This is what I hope to get from any new map pack :D ( hope you actually read it all lol)
  15. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    1. Remake of Boarding Action from Halo 1. (If you don't know what this map is, then go play Halo 1. RIGHT. NOW.)

    2. New Forge Canvas, that is square and doesn't have stupid protrusions like cranes and stuff. Needs to have LARGE object limit. Even the Unlimited Budget Glitch has it's limits: I still run into limits on how many of one type of object can be placed. Stupid Double Walls. (I know everyone's said this, but that's just proof of how popular and necessary this map is!!)

    3. Something the size of Sandtrap. (Or bigger. :D)
    #55 Awkward Silence, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  16. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I liked the last area of halo 3's first level, that big dam. that would make a great map with another bridge or 2
  17. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    We already got a map from the last map pack based on that level, I certainly do not want another. It would also be BTB size which we don't need another of, and it wouldn't support vehicles very well, unless it was largely modified.

    I don't understand your arguement of no MLG maps, just because a map is good competitively doesn't mean it is not fun. All the best maps are used by MLG (except BTB maps), because they are competitive maps, and they are mostly great. An 'MLG map' is whatever MLG decides to use as one of their maps in competitions, Bungie doesn't make a map thinking, "this is going to be for MLG."
  18. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Yeah most the halo 3 maps not used by mlg are just plain bad, or they're too big. And halo 3's big maps aren't even that great, Avalanche is kicks ass the others are mostly only good some of the time for btb.

    EDIT: Lukems said that smuggler is cold storage so we have that narrowed down. He also made it sound like there could be more than three maps.
    #58 HITtheLIGHTZ, Jun 19, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2008
  19. S-Pac

    S-Pac Ancient
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    When they remake the classic maps, they try to make them work with the new gameplay elements. So that's why they are a little different while keeping the basic layout of the original.
    I'm tired of reading what people say about the remakes being "butchered".
  20. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I say bring back Blood Gulch and Beaver Creek

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