I was forging my map while i just started staring at this single box for no reason and i saw a creepy face on it. Can u see it?? Heres what it looks like. Is this real or am i crazy?
I actually saw that one day when I was forging as well...forgot to bring it up to anyone's attention... im glad im not the only one that saw it...
It is a result of the texture being flipped. It isn't an egg. There are several of them in Halo. Nothing special.
Woah... That's really weird, I've never seen that before... I wonder how intentional it actually was. It doesn't seem too random
holy shizzle! much more better than my edited one. looks like satin to me. The single box is possesed.... O.0
creepy.. now reynbow did it it looks more like the devil. how much fun do you think bungie has screwing with us and all these faces?
thats cool how you did that i saw it at first but then for some odd reason i saw a small bears head which seems to be right in the forehead
No where near as creepy as the one on The pit, across from the rocket spawn. It looks like a prophet to me. I'm scared to pass by it... :squirrel_blush: