i recommend coming out with a v.2 and take in consideration of all thats been said cause i like the idea and looks pretty good but needs some work good job though ___________________________________ My maps-Division and Battle Tower (eventually going to redo after lazy contest)
???????????????? one more thing could you please change the name of this forum to that of your fileshare
It doesnt seem like a very good game to play since people could easily jump out of the map off of the stairs or by just grenade jumping. I think a V2 would be appropriate. 3/5. BTW is this your first post?
i no alot of people have already told you this but u can easily just walk off the map.. sorry but another reason you should block it off is that the covenant side would probably ALWAYS win because they can just take the ghost over the edge nad the UNSC have nothing powerful that can go over the edge... ( their only thing is the mongoose) Please fix if you arent already