looks good and must have taken time to do great map ____________________________ My maps-Division and Battle Tower (eventually going to redo after lazy contest)
Oh wow this is professional work. You had to have planned alot and that's one thing but to be able to forge that is great. That grin is killer.
LULZ!!! I made the grin and angrah grin!!!! MATT! I love this. I'm so DLing right now. My friend is using the bocks right now, but as soon as he hits the sack, I'm checkin' this out. After your last map, I was looking forward to seeing how well the next would turn out, and I absolutely love it! Great job on what looks to be as aesthetically pleasing as it is in gameplay. Also, great job on using the back rooms! I rarely see that happen, and it pleases me to see a change in scenery. 5/5 for Matt!!
Hahah thanks dented. YOu did make that face angry Lulz Im glad you liked it. hey- if you wanna play sometime just send me a FR And thanks Jakattak
Hahah nice teeth! nice concept and tons of orginal ideas = Flawless epic map! Great job dude.. It loooks great..