Contest Submissions End: July 20, 2008 Im making a promotional video for forgehub.Go to for examples of the video im making. I am almost finished making one right now, but I decided I should have a contest to see if the pictures from this one will turn out better than the current one. I will complete both and you guys vote to see which video is better. Top 15 Screenshots That Will Be In The Video1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Rules: -The images cannot be edited in any way or form. I want the orinigal picture taken ingame. -The images must be your own. Dont post someone elses screenshots. -The images in your post must be embedded and needs to have a link to the thread or your fileshare. -You do not have to post a screenshot to be helpful. You can suggest what captions a screenshot will have in the Video. -If you do suggest a caption, make sure it follows The format in the video linked above. -Your screenshots can be whatever category you wish. Funny, weird, action, dramatic, crazy, epic. You name it. Before I do this I want to make fully sure I will not be the only one deciding what screenshots will be in it, thats what the previous one is like. List of the Judges: (This means you highly respected members of forgehub) 1. G043R 2. Kapura 3. E93 4. Tex 5. ~Original Video~
il judge if you like. and il see if i can get some good pics. ***Picture removed*** Sorry it offended someone.
Heres some of mine: I made some really bad captions too, sorry if i was only supposed to have 1 pic. Original thread "Where new ideas begin." or something else Original thread "Where you get to bully the most hated characters." Original thread Original thread "Where you get cheered on by your friends." Original thread "Where friends work together."
Those last few by slash were great, but we can't use mostly his =/ EDIT: you forgot to add me to judges list