Wait, is there a way for the teams to meet directly, or is it only through the "teeth" and window panels?
i love the teeth and i didnt like the spawn part in the hall way i see in the top pic but good map 5/5
Canada- Actually, where the teams spawn they cannot even see the other teams, theres no spawn killing Al capwnage- Yea at the last territory and from there they push on to the other side to get the other teams territories.
im not usually a fan of territories, but this map looks so well built that i cannot resist the urge to download it. i like the multiple levels you got going on here. too many maps are just flat..
i like how you used a little bit of the room and the back hallway parts. i really like the interlocking too, very nice map. 5/5
Wow. This looks great, if it plays as good as it looks it does, it's definately going in my TGIF playlist. I'm going to download it now and get back to you about it. Looks great tho, you got my DL, rating, and comment.
ninja- thanks for the good feedback Insane- there is a no way that a mod just commented on my map. THATS AWESOME! You just made my day good sir. Thanks! I hope you enjoy, I'd love for you guys to play it on TGIF. Tell me how it all goes. Thanks again.
You dont see a lot of Conquest maps that have such a nice aesthetic quality such as this. It seems pretty awesome to play on and would flow so well with your weapon choice. Cant wait to see how it plays, and plus 1 rep for actually making a tooth monster work in a Conquest map, I wouldnt have expected to see one.
I just played this. It was quite fun, but a couple things I felt could have been better: spawn points, you seemed to be able to take out people in other territories right from spawn, also there was some spawn killing. there felt like there was a few too many spike grenades Very nice overall, though, good job.
Insane- Thanks very much for the playthrough and review. It means a lot. Im guessing it won't be in ur TGIF playlist then? WEll you can't have everything. Thanks.
I'm still putting it in..itt was quite fun, and if my party wants more Conquest, this is a good new one for them to play. Theres only a couple of other Conquest maps I have, needed more. Also, I'm sure they'll like the face, I thought it was great.