This Is The Perfect 5v5 Muti Flag Map. There Are Many Features On The Map Such As Traveling On The Barriers Of The Map. Enjoy!! Overview UNSC Side Covies Side Middle If U Fall Out Map Link Here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Please Enjoy The Map Thank You, D4GG3R x
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it looks okay but it is really small and doesn't look very vehical accessable. not right for 5-on-5. maybe the pics are the reason. try to make some more. or maybe some gameplay pics.
I think it would be a whole lot of fun if you play with 4 people on each team its kewl nice interlocking. very creative way of clashing nice stairs and that division wall good job. 3.5/5
not that great for gameplay its justm ore artwork and ive noticed people dont really like that on maps that your suposed to play on
This map really needs interlocking... The edges are really rough and I occasionally get stuck while going up the stairs which gives the enemy a fraction of a second to long and I get killed. Please definetly try to interlock and this map will be superb.
This looks like a great scenery map, but not very good for gameplay. But what do I know, i'm an idiot
I dont think the chopper, hogs and ghosts work on your map. Its a bit to small. But otherwise it loks like a okay map 3/5
i agree with headshot you should make it so you cant get out this map looks like you would fall out all the time
nice try but this looks incredibly easy to get out of!! and i mean incredibly easy.. just walk over the edge and camp some where else or what ever! please fix! im sure u have tons of boxes left! just by looking at it it looks like youve got about 20 or so..( includeing all double boxes and single boxes) If your not going to fix it ... this should be moved to caual maps i believe! sorry Good Luck
this looks okay, but i dont think it would really hold 10 people very well. it seems more like a 4v4 max. additionally, i dont see the vehicles working out very well. the map seems too small and/or filled out with other objects. also, it looks like you can just walk right off of the map if you wish. i dont normally care about escapable maps, but this one is literally open to people walking out the door basically. needs some work, set your sights to improve.