FH Username: tropicalbert GamerTag: tropicalbert Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Rank: Commander, Grade 2. Highest skill: 37 Legendary Maps: Yes Any other information: Yes. My GT is pronounced Tropic Albert. Also, would like to know when this will take place and I can also help with the organizing if needed.
FH Username:TrioEnzyme Gamertag:Trio Enzyme Rank and Highest Skill:Captain Grade 2 and 21 in Team Slayer (I don't play enough matchmaking) Other Info: I have all maps and a mic. My name is pronounced tree-o en-zime
FH Username:linubidix GamerTag:linubidix Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Commander Grade 2, 35 Legendary Maps: Yes But I'd like some more information. When will it be, which maps, etc.
FH Username: garsykat19 GamerTag: garsykat19 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Comander Grade 2, 37 (Lone Wolves) Legendary Maps: Yes Additional Info: just make sure it's garsy, not garys, haha
FH Username:Fynis96 GamerTag:Fynis96 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill:Lieutenant Grade 2 / 16 Legendary Maps: Yes/No: yes!
Oh sorry Drone . You're on there now. There are now 16 places. Any more entries must go in now before 6:00PM (GMT) Tonight before drawing will begin.
If we have all people online of one group, we will play. Unless there is a set time we can all decide on for the first match for Group A.
Wow, this really sucks , but I just got RROD this morning...so I can't compete. Really, really sorry...
Dude did the matches for Group B already start because if they did I wasn't able to make it because the power was cut at my house until 5:00 P.M. Today