Hello Everyone, I'm going to be starting a MLG map project and I have the general base idea down. But my only problem is I can't think of a name so I was trying to see if anyone had an idea for a map name. So please Reply!!!
Try to keep it one word. That's how mlg map names work. What about Shock or Cold, or something like that
Dang... someone just put me in a Pokemon mode for some reason... MLG Fire Blast? MLG Hydro Pump? MLG Thunder? MLG Spikes? MLG GyaraVire? MLG Fly? MLG Surf? MLG Haze? MLG Cut? MLG Strength? MLG Rock Smash? MLG Defog? MLG Waterfall? MLG Rush? MLG OHKO? MLG Leftovers? MLG Thunderbolt? MLG Razor? MLG Leaf? I'm going to stop now...
Flash (pokemon move lol) Strike Upbeat Reign Aegis Stand Lock Bridging Cape Nade Raid Laid Afterburner That's 13 ideas