I would suggest COD4 for the 360 if you like playing on a console but if not ti is great for a computer also. As was said UT3 is a lot of fun and I Strongly recommend Sins of a solar Empire if you like RTS games
go with BF: Bad Company the graphics are amazing and since almost everything is destructible it makes is so you can play a map hundreds of times and have it be different every time and a demo is also out on the live marketplace if you want to try it out for your self also the explosions are amazing
Battle Feild, get battle feild. COD4 isnt that good, I hate it. I havent played R6V2, but from what I've seen, it doesnt look that good. Reveiws generally dont mean a lot. GTA4 got 10/10. And it is far from "the best game ever"
Well out of the list you choose you should get cod 4. I wish I could give you another list but I cant think properly right now.
Well, if you want online play, COD4 is the way to go. But also Battlefield looks insane and plays about the same.
Wait for HAWX and GoW2. I don;t have Gears 1, but I've played it, and it's not that bad. And Gears 2 looks awesome. CoD is cool, but it's getting old. It's a game you should definetely play once through campaign though. Totally worth it. Maybe wait for the price to lower?
well im defiantly getting GOW2, but since my dad is buying these games for my b-day i could really careless about the price LOL
Get BF: BC. I've heard that R6V2 wasn't as good as expected, and CoD4 is easily the best MP game in the CoD series, but it still gets old after a couple of months.
I hated the Bad Company Demo (i was also in the beta too). It was just too big and it was boring. Idk.. maybe its just me but i couldn't stand it.
BF BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS INSANE!!!!!!!! and its newer, so more people online for faster games. 99% destructible scenery including walls! why wouldn't you!
COD4 is OVERrated. SO repetitive, maps straight from campaign, all the weapons in each catergory are basically all the same thing except for 1 shot AR's which those 2 are the same, horriable spawns. Most of my Friends who have 360 only have cod4 because they havent played any other games. this one retard thinks im obsessed with halo 3 when im online, im probably playing gta4 and i let friends borrow it too. Basically cod4 is liked by 1 retard who gets all his friends to buy it and those friends who get addicted to it get their friends to play it only. and evan a smaller summary - COD4 = ****