Knight Kninja and Trent's Custom Ranks is closed. I will be gone for three weeks, starting 6/23. I will make new thread when i get back. NOTE: i did finish all requests. the three people in the list have untill tomorrow to give their requests and i leave. Idk really what to call this, so that is the closest i could get to finding a good name. anyways, its summer and ive been working on alot of photoshop projects, so i thought i would do something like this. these are the forgehub rank templates. its simply any color i have, without the text or grey picture of a weapon.. TBH i dont know how to do that. my one regret is that somehow too many people might start making their own and then everyone has their own custom rank.. but i guess its not bad! i had this thread earlier as simply a place where i posted all of my templates for my custom rank graphics. now i think im going to start making custom ones for people. Now, if you looked at my old thread, you might have seen that all of my custom graphics do not have a sort of "definition" that is where the bricks seem to bump out. i fixed that so they all look good. here are a couple examples of what i have done; or Most recent: [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse] To request a custom rank from me, just give me a picture or an idea for what you want your background picture to be, and also the text you want. here is a simple template for a request; Request form Color: Background Graphic: (idea or a link to picture) Text: The text i currently use is Raavi, and it is very close, but if nitrous or someone who knows what the real text is, that would be helpful to know. On another note, i will be leaving in approximately 5 days for a 3-week trip to europe. i do not know if i am bringing my computer with me or if i will be able to access the internet, so i suggest you request one soon.. And zstrike's i am currenly working on, but i need him to give me the graphic to work with, so anyone else will come after him. Queue Zstrike- graphic needed monkeydeath3730- graphic needed MLGLR Playahater- requisite graphic? questions or comments? post here. thanks! -knight
see now.. thats the problem. 7 was the one i based them all off of lol. il try it anyways. any advice on how to do it?
that one is because i just used the paint bucket to dye the bars white.. and i guess it got the whole thing. il fix that EDIT: there ya go! any tips on making it bulk out? EDITx2: how would you say i did? im using mine just as a tester. im gonna be for three weeks soon so when i get back ima make a sig request thread and one of these custom graphic request thread
get a like gradient going where its lighter at the top if you look at the official ones it looks darker at the bottom and lighter at the top it gives the sort of 3D effect
you know you can just go in to adjust hue to change the colour here's something i just cooked up feel free to use it pokefans
Been done before. The colors don't look right. For yours they are just one plain color while the real ranks have... more? I don't remember the technical art term for it.
"EDIT: looking at them now makes me realise that the black lines all seemed to turn a little lighter when i changed the colors of the "bricks". that can't be helped i guess" That's an illusion that happens with lighter/darker colors and the color grey.
The one I worked on is in my sig. I started from scratch and by scratch, I mean a Battle Rifle image with half filled, I had to get all the other stuff cleared, it sure was hard! It is my gamertag.
can you make one that says ROFLCOPTER from the lime green bar thing and have a picture of a toy helicopter in the backround? thx
alright hows this; i think it came out pretty good. if you have any suggestions just tell me EDIT: i thought penguinish or blue penguin(hence the blue) could use this. and supergotega do you wanna take over for me while im gone?
what version of PS do you use? i just put lines in and turn them black/white with 50% opacity. i have elements 6.0 but il try that out. thanks