1.Download Video Okay basically i i was going through man cannon on ranked team doubles a guy shot a brute shot and instead of the fusion coil blowing off it went flying then my guys was already in the air and i got hit by it causing me to commit suicide we won the game by one point, Just watch the video, Download, Comment on here and bungie and youtube, And rate on here and bungie and youtube. 2.Youtube Video Very funny just watch! Update 1: Youtube link takes you right to video now. Update 2: This is the funniest most uber-awesome death/suicide ever. Link to download - Download Link Filmed + edited by xShoKa - YouTube - xShoKa's Channel Please leave comments telling if it should be on bungie favorite and is recon worty remember it was ranked team doubles and the score was 25-24 we won by one kill. Thanks everyone for the good ratings. Update 3: Updated name No (!) and new name, I Was Hit By a Fusion Coil While Going Through a Man Cannon, While In Mid Air Update 4: Please post most comments on Bungie so others will see the Video too. Update 5: Fixed second download link. Update 6: Links take you to new download page. Thanks.
Haha I watched the youtube video and that's pretty cool. You got really unlucky to have been hit by it.
I know that like a 1 in a million chance. Also read desciption on youtube video tellin me what you think.
Lololooll That's freakin' gold, the chances of that... Incredibly low xD @Bnasty, stop trying to be Titmar...
Haha, but as if that didn't count as a kill for him though. I guess it was better to commit suicide then the other team gain a point.
Yeah when i played i didnt even see it hit me i just went flying out all of a sudden i mean what are the chance of this happening.
You should totally go claim your Rec0nZ! jk, that was actually pretty cool. the chances of that happening...
Hahaha, well, at least you didn't get pwned by a flying corpse, though its almost as bad. Oh, and maybe take some of the "!"s out of your title, its a little annoying. =/
As in he saw you go over the mancannon, and shot the fusion coil knowing that it would hit you perfectly in the face, killing you. (I'm just kidding BTW)
This is the funniest most uber-awesome death/suicide ever. Link to download - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=22304762&viewreplies=true]Download link[/url] Filmed + edited by xShoKa - YouTube - xShoKa's Channel Please leave comments telling if it should be on bungie favorite and is recon worty remember it was ranked team doubles and the score was 25-24 we won by one kill. Thanks everyone for the good ratings. This post is now in the first post as second update please read it as for its important! Also updated the the name so now there is no more (!) Updates 3 and 4: Update 3: Updated name No (!) and new name, I Was Hit By a Fusion Coil While Going Through a Man Cannon, While In Mid Air Update 4: Please post most comments on Bungie so others will see the Video too. Update 5: Second Bungie download link fixed. Thanks.
I'm sure that's what everyone thinks when they have some sort of crazy suicide or kill. Bungie has already given out recon twice for this, I'm not sure if they'd do it again. It'd have to be pretty spectacular (I guess this was), but don't get your hopes up. It would surprise me if you got recon for this but awesome nonetheless.
New bungie download page avaliable please post on there i renamed it on bungie so download the new one and rate it on bungie please just delete your old versions you have. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This will help me a lot of you leave comments on bungie it will help get it known more. Also updated the Youtube video!
Haha! Thats really funny, and weird also. I once saw a clip where a fusion coil rolled into one of the mancannons on valhalla, then the fusion coil flew off the mancannon and hit the guy head on.