wall defense pics the wall attackers side defenders side the gate Inner Fortress Ramp to the Fortress wall Defense garage Attackers Garage Top of wall Left tunnel Right tunnel The attackers start outside of the wall with a wraith, warthog, and two mongoose's. the attackers all so have the only sniper, 5 BR's, 2 smg, 5 assault rifles, and a shotgun, using the Gauss and the wrath are key in attacking the wall. The defenders must keep the attackers from reaching the middle of the wall where two tunnels are. inside the tunnels are (left: needler. Right: MG turret,and 2 plasma rifles.) on top of the truck is a rocket launcher that the attackers need in order to destroy the wrath or Gauss warthog. The defenders start in the inner fortress with a warthog, 3 shotguns, 3 BR's, and 3 assault rifles. they should try to get to the outer wall, and rockets as fast as possible. Supported Game types Free for All Team Slayer One Flag this is my fist map to post on forge hub, kinda nervous. comments are welcome Note: on bungie i misspell defense. Download Wall Defense
Not exactly the most original map I've ever seen, but it serves its purpose nonetheless. Looks great for one flag or even infection if you're in the mood for that type of base-camping game. I would also suggest one bomb or even territories if the spawns are well placed. Also, just noticed the wraith, doesn't look like there is much space for it to maneuver, I suggest placing cover close to the wall, and leave the back area for the wraith to move around, always make sure the vehicles have decent room to navigate.
the random fence walls make it look preety sloopy, imo. otherwise, looks like a great map! keep up the good work
i don't know i think some one got reacon for the great wall didn't they and it reminds me of this not saying it is good i mean it looks like a wall
well the map is really cool and i will dl but it seems as if it is pretty hard for the attackers since there is only 1 way in then again they have a wraith
I dont really get the concept of this map but im sure it can be a whole lot of fun good job i think that walls can be good for division fighting lol.
its kind of basic two sides one attacks the other not very fun make it more like a MAP that you have difrent places to go like rooms two story buildings and such or on the wall put a walk way and have a rail type thing and people look over it and shoot i mean not like it is know but add a building ontop the the place and give the top of the wall more personalty
the wall is simple but somewhat looks really good, the map is not very creativ and some places r abit sloppy but that doesnt mean its not fun
It looks great to me, you've got the battle lines drawn. You cross the wall, and you're behind enemy lines. Looks good for objective games.
In this map, there are two types of aesthetics: The one that is neatness of interlocking and the other one which is map theme and jazz. For the first one, it isn't very nice looking. The bridges aren't upside down, somethings looks a bit sloppy, etc. For the second part, looks really good. Like the idea of the broken wall in the center. The scattered fence walls make it look like something seriously ran the wall over.
I love the interlocking and the general asthetics are amazing and based on the map design, i bet that the gameplay has some epic moments. i just hope that you didn't overstock the defense.
u should try and add a working gate to the inner fort. With a working gate. Also by looking at the pics there only seems to be one way in. If this is the case u may want to try to add more ways for attackers to get it.