dude, this is on my fileshare I took that pic. You could of at least given me credit If you dont believe me here is the link to the pic with it saying Boom Boom STAR as author Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
That pic has been in mystikk's fileshare alot longer than yours. If you look at the date taken... Stop trying to claim other peoples work.
WTF boom boom star?! seriously dude, dont try claim my pic. not that it means anythin but i took this before i got xbl, and that was last year. the date is screwed and says 2005 on it but im serious. you could of easily copied it to your fileshare... cummon man. i cant provide a link for you to my bungie file share but look it up for yourselves. my bungie user is mystikk03. its had 18 downloads since its been in my file share, that is only 2 weeks.
Wow, how about who gives a ****. Any idiot could have taken that picture. All you had to do was pause it at the right moment of the Cinematic. And you two want to have a cry about who got it first. For **** sake grow up.
Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing here.. boom boom star. just to prove to you that i DID actualy take it. its not in my hi res screenshots cause i noticed that since i got xbl they get uploaded to ur bungie.net user. ive got 24 screenshots, thers 17 on my bungie.net. tells you something doesnt it mr. im so good? btw i checkd ur link. its called :O, mines hold on. did you EVER think that we both could have thought "omfg thats awesome!" and taken it? whats the population of halo 3 owners ... 400 thou, 500? 600? think before you act mate.
WAYYYY trying to take his work I was gonna post in this then look into your thing but SeVeR already has .. PWNED! Anyway this pic looks very epic and the positioning of the guy is great ..
Kayaman, a little cranky, eh? This is really going nowhere, it was a theft to begin with, so I suggest it be locked.
And it takes no skill to balance an MLG map, beyond common sense, but does that make them any less balanced?
It's from a cutscene, all he had to do is pause and take the picture. It could be replicated extremely easily.
Have you seen it done before? If the answer is no, its still creative. If the answer is yes, I'm no longer going to reply to this topic, as there is nothing more to say.