Fort Defence

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by johny023, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. johny023

    johny023 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    game is meant for 6-12 players, but you can play with more or less players
    if you play with more you may want to give the humans a magnum and sword to
    start with.. there's not a lot of weapons.

    in this map the humans have to defend a small fort from the zombies, humans
    have 4X over shields and 500% damage resistance but no shield recharge.
    everyone starts with a sword (but you can let the humans spawn with a
    sword and magnum to make the game easier) to survive you will need to
    save your shields so don't rush into the zombies head first, going
    upstairs and jumping down on them when they come in is normally a good
    idea. 20 seconds into the game 3 assault rifles (with full ammo) will spawn
    and that's where the game gets hard, zombies will start to spawn in a
    area with over shields before then enter the field... 60 seconds into
    the game 4 shotguns (with full ammo) spawn, but in the zombies spawn
    room a path to a custom power up opens letting them become speed
    zombies (really fast zombies with low health) so now you have speed
    zombies and zombies with over shields coming at you.

    the zombies get different power ups and equipment (yes equipment
    like flame grenades) to start with and the humans get more weapons to
    combat them (like a sniper to kill the flame grenade zombies). zombies
    can pick up weapons so never let them into the fort! they may just pick
    up that rocket launcher in the corner... but the humans are really
    powerful so a rocket won't kill you unless you have low shields... but it
    doesn't help any to have a zombie shooting you with rockets.

    are slow (unless they picked up the speed zombie power up) and have
    normal health but they don't have infinite ammo so if a zombie happens
    to get a gun and get out of the fort it's not too bad. zombies can
    use vehicles humans can't (2 ghosts spawn after 120 sec and a wraith
    spawns after 180) humans can't use them so don't run for them but you
    can blow them up before the zombies get them

    *** spawns ***
    1 magnum at start of the game next to the first player to spawn.

    over shields for zombies 20 seconds after the game starts.
    3 assault rifles (full ammo) spawns at stairs 20 seconds after the game starts.

    4 shotguns (full ammo) spawns between stairs 60 seconds after the game starts.
    speed zombie power up for zombies 60 seconds after the game starts.

    1 br (full ammo) and 1 sniper (full ammo) spawns at the top of the stairs 90
    seconds after the game starts.
    zombies get dragons (flame grenades) 90 seconds after the game starts.
    zombies get flares 90 seconds after the game starts.

    1 brute shot (full ammo) and a hammer spawns in the two rooms to the left 120 seconds after the game starts.
    zombies get 2 ghosts and a speed zombie,fraggrenade and deployable cover combo.

    1 rocket launcher,1 spartan laser and 1 turret spawns in the two rooms to the
    right 180 seconds into the game.
    zombies get 1 wraith and a bubble,shield over shield combo.

    hog the weapons if you have a lot of people only take one :) they do
    spawn more then once so 90 seconds into the game everyone should have a
    weapon but it matters on how many people are in the game.

    you may
    want to explain the game before you start, for the first minute or so
    the zombies will think the humans are over powered if they don't know
    that the humans don't regenerate shields. and the humans may try to rush
    the zombies if they don't know that to, for the first game the humans
    won't last too long unless they know what they are doing you need to be
    careful here or you will die.

    to use the turret shoot the fusion coil next to it then you can pick it up.
    Also when the weapons start to spawn if you don't get one stay back
    and work as a team let someone that has one shoot the zombies and if they
    get too close defend the person who has a weapon, and remember there's
    always something to counter what the zombies have (when the zombies
    get a wraith use rockets and laser to kill it). and remember you have a much
    better chance of surviving if you work as a team.

    the front of the fort
    inside the fort (left side)
    inside the fort (right side)
    zombie spawn 1 you can choose from over shields or speed zombie if you spawn here
    zombie spawn 2 you can choose from the other equipment if you spawn here
    Download Fort defense map
    Download Fort defence gametype
    please rate and comment on this map i think I've fixed all the glitches
    if you find one tell me so i can fix it. i can't place many more items so i
    can't add much (if any) more but I'll take any ideas. and there's a link to
    a video on youtube of this game in the bungie forums for this map
    #1 johny023, Jun 19, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2008
  2. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im sorry to tell you this but your pictures dont work.
  3. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't just say that! You could help him instead, like I will:

    1. Go to bungie and download the pics to your computer.
    2. Go to a image hosting site. I recommend
    3. Sign up if you're not already a member. Go to "albums & upload" and change the "reduce to:" to 640 x 480. Now click "browse" to get the pics and upload them to photobucket.
    4. In the main page of you album, there should be 4 bars with url's in them under the pics. Copy the one that says "http://www.photobucket etc. and paste it in your thread.

    Voila! You got embedded pics!

    If you have any questions don't be afraid to send me a PM.
    #3 Da Pig, Jun 19, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2008
  4. johny023

    johny023 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    thanks for the help I'm not sure if i did it right because i didn't notice the replys until after i did it... but the pics are working... but why are 3 of them small? or is that just me?
  5. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    3 r small cuz u saved the thumbnails from the page that has all ur screenshots on instead of clicking on them and saving the large picture. hope that helps
  6. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the way it looks from what I see... I will try it out when I finally get home... in 7 hours... Anyway, great forging. Happy forging!
    ~Randle $candal
  7. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    From the pics I can see that this is a pretty nice map! But it would be a little better if you put some . and , in your thread. It's kinda like reading this:


  8. johny023

    johny023 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    thx for the help i think i fixed it now
  9. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes they are fixed now thank you. it looks like you need to interlock somemore but other then that good job 3/5
  10. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks pretty good but better if there was more interlocking
  11. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good, it could be cleaned up here and there a little, but nice job
  12. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not bad. The fort looks pretty well-constructed. However, it would look a LOT better if you were to interlock some of the walls and maybe put a floating wall at the top of the second stairs to serve as a platform so that people don't run up to the top level only to fall back down because there was no platform at the top of the stairs. Just my two cents.
  13. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's alright. But we've all seen zombie maps like this before. If this is your first map, however, nice job. :)
  14. johny023

    johny023 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i had fence walls there interlocked with the stairs and box but i needed them to patch up a hole people where using to get out of the map, and i don't think i can place any more fence walls, walls or boxes. so i tell people to jump the gap or go to the side at the top of the stairs.. i may be able to use a sign though does anyone know if you update a map if it changes the one in your file share? or do i need to make a new post in the bungie forums? i don't want to spam the forums with updates to the map

    and this isn't the first map i've made just the first i've posted here i've made one other map i put in the bungie forums but didn't post here and i've made a few i didn't post anywhere.

    and thanks for all the feedback everyone it really helps
    #14 johny023, Jun 19, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2008

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