With the help of my cousin and My Clan "Texas Fate", I just built two treehouses on two different trees with ramp connect to each other. They are not like you have seen before, they are built high off the ground on huge tree. The First treehouse is built halfway around the huge tree trunk about 15 feets off ground. The second Treehouse is built on a tall tree about 35 feets off the ground. I recommed "VIP" will be the best for the map, but it also really good for other type of gameplay such as infection, team slayer or more. Please Reply my Thread to let me know what you think of the Treehouses To Download Map Variant click Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing To Download Game Variant click Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing To know more about the Texas Fate clan contact TexasMarksman33 or cOLD I fAtE Here the pictures... THe Escape Hatch OVerView
oh right, forgot to tell you. There are two rocket launcher and sniper rifle well hide on the ground for the attackers to to overrun the treehouses
awesome dling now the tree houses look a little bit like bunkers. . i like it keep up the good work liamjedimaster PSdontdouble post. the moderators dont like it but other than that waesome job Texas
Looks great! I'll DL. It all looks like it is meant to be there (except for the glowing objects, but that's not entirely your fault...).
rofl lolz this has to be the best executed idea I have seen in a while. I cant belive that i have seen this in the forms before and it seems so simple myet very complicated at the same time greate job.
I was trying to make a treehouse on ghost town, but couldn't get it right, this is much better than mine, good job.
Creative idea! Really cool. Kinda like those times when you're younger and you just wish you had a jungle with treehouses and wooden paths everywhere haha. 5/5 for idea.
Lol awesome idea, it looks good too. I would say it's more of a casual map though. But still a good 5/5
this looks really good. I will def dl and get back to you. the bases look amazing, and I think I might use this for machinima
Thank for the comments! I was think about building second Ghost Town with the treehouse in different location