KillHill Download the map: KillHill Download the map variants: Hill Massacre Team Hill Massacre FFA This is a map I made because I liked KotH on Desolation in Halo 2. It is Also my first actual map, so don't except a masterpiece. As the name says, it is not just a KotH game, for you get points when you get kills. I made it so because I loved KotH on Desolation. Though KillHill is smaller than Desolation, and has only 1 hill, it is fun to play when you don't have too much players with. Game Variant A basic team/FFA KotH with slayer combined. I think it doesn't need any more description. Weapons on the map: SMG x 2 Spiker x 2 Mauler x 2 Needler x 2 Assault Rifle x 4 Battle Rifle x 8 Shotgun x 1 Brute Shot x 1 Rocket Launcher x 2 Flamethrower x 1 (hidden somewhere, it's up to you to find it) Equipment and grenades on the map: Plasma Grenade x 4 Firebomb x 2 Regenerator x 2 Power Drainer x 1 Radar Jammer x 1 Screenshots: Overview Red base Blue base (looks the same...) By winterburner Shotgun spawn Brute Shot spawn Power Drainer is dangerous! The hill is mine! Please, download, play, comment, rate ect ect.
Looks exciting. I think you should show a picture from outside the circle center area, though. Oh wait nvm, the open boxes are blocked off at the end. Looks like one chaotic mess fun to play. I'll dl.
This looks really good. I havent seen a symmetrical map like this in a while. I wish I could dl this but I filled my 8 slots. The construction and layout look great what worries me is the weapons, I think for this size and style of map it be suited best with mainly duels, carbines, brs and 1 power weapon in the centre.
I was thinking about if I had too much power weapons there, but it is kinda combination of my favourite Halo 2 games, KotH on Desolation, Slayer with randon starting weapons on Foundation... Something like that. But, for v2, I think I will take some power weapons away. By the Way, I'll get some more pictures today.
this looks pretty good although i've never really enjoyed KoTH games before i think i'll like this one
i like the layout even though i have seen many circle maps but this one is good. but for the size of the map i dont think there should be rocket launchers 4/5
Looks great for your first map. I'm just wondering, are the open boxes in pictures 2 and 3 blocked off, or are there just another walkway. Anyway, very nice.
Simple perfection. Didn't do much with this, and thats what makes it great! It has a simple design (that I know you took long on based on all the interlocking!) that effectively makes this map perfect for king of the hill. It would be a brawl in the middle of that hill haha. Nice work, Happy Forging! ~Randle $candal
Yes, They're blocked. Every box is blocked with a fence wall so you can go looking at some extra things and structures that my brother built there. Though there are two boxes where are teleporters so you can go from other side to other and so on.
The gameplay in mind is pretty simple, but it seems fun nonetheless. The arena is forged really nicely and the only thing I could say to improve it is flip over the bridges and add cover, there seems to be none(maybe that's the point? Idk). People seem to get a little antsy when the puke-color schemed side is showing though. P.S - FINLAND FTW. Tell me you like metal.
Oh, yes! I loove metal... and I can be a tester for your map ? And, why I didn't add covers, was because then people could (grenade)jump out of the level and I was too lazy to make better walls so people cant jump out. Yes, first I had the bridges flipped over, but then I noticed that they were too low... then I put bridges onto them. Even they were a little bit too low. Then I put those bridges so it's easy to walk over them. I am gonna fix all those in v2 , although, this is my first map ever so it isn't perfect.
For you who don't like KotH, I hope this map will fix it. Cos I don't enjoy every KotH game, and this map and game is made to combine my favourite KotH games (the almost only one i like).
Looks good. I think I have seen this somewhere. Anyways, cool map. Not completely original, but you could still have fun on the map, so I've DLed.