I don't think it's a skull. I think it's the center of the Ark, getting destroyed by the Flood that recently landed there. And it's in my avatar.
I don't see the skull either. maybe it's just my right brain acting up again, or is it my left brain? Oh f**k I don't care,.
Skull? It looks like a blown up Forerunner planet to me. =/ Also, you need a link to your B.Net thread in the OP.
I like it...looks cool dude...although Id call it more of a skull with a mask covering half of his face...much like Malak in KOTOR...
Stop it with F**KING periods. jk. On topic, I guess i kinda see what you mean, but I don't think it was planned by Bungie.
As many other people said it doesn't look like a skull but it looks really good .. And in Kamakse's post he had another screenshot of the planet thing with a guy in the shot which looked nice .. Good job anyway