I don't know if this is already posted so if it is, please lock this. If anyone else has noticed, a lot of maps lately have not gotten any pictures, well this is because spammers for one thing but also because photobucket is down right now for some reason. I just hope that no one got an infraction or warning because of that. But yeh, heres a link Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket. And it sends me to http://www.atspace.com/dedicated-web-server-hosting-domain-articles-news/web_hosting.html This was posted on 6/18/08 so if it works after i post this then this is irrelevant and yeh.
Its working fine for me. Used it just before for my new map http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk107/kingy909/40283971-Full.jpg
anyone else having this problem and being sent to Reliable Free & Professional Web Hosting, Free Domain names registration - ATSPACE.COM ? anybody? I've seen at least one person who said they couldn't see the pics when they were there yesterday. plus, all my pics are gone