this looks like an amazing map im goin to download this and see what it plays like on a game of infection
This is THE BEST MAP EVER DONE, in my opinion. I've played SNIPERS here for hours, and I've done my best snipes here ( no scopes...). Really good for sniping, but good for slayer to. 11/10
perfectly clean interlocks keep up the good work looks very clean and competitive like onslaught just a bit smaller gotta dl
Comin back to this after joining forge hub today, but i downloaded this some time ago and i have to say this map was my inspiration to make maps. i still have it. hard to belive something like this could be done even under the crushing money limit. hopefully il be as good as u some day.... never mind, i shouldnt get unrealistic
nice lookin' map ill hsve to try the idea with the pillor look in mind it gives a good look to the map
This looks like an arena but the hallways look more like a competitive map opposed to an arena. The courtyard where the columns are make a cool aesthetic but if this was my map i would have them unreachable or make it so that you could only get in and out through the sides. It is a good map but should maybe have some more cover or make it larger, which i don't know how you would do such. It just seems a bit empty. I still like it a lot. One thing i do not like at all is how all the signs are together (A&B). 8/10
Dude it was my first go in forge The signs were a last-minute addition when some peasant ninja'd their way out of my god forsaken map.