MLG LOL MADE BY: TheYavimayan, Insane54, Rusty Eagle, Bnasty574, Dom says Oi, COMMANDERMATT1, A27 Starwolf, and DIZFu7Vk Download Here: MAPZORZ! This map was inspired by Onslaught and Hype. As we all fell in love with the new spawns and WONDERFUL gameplay of Amp, we all decided we should put our $0.02's into the MLG community with this great map. Built dominantly for King of the Hill and Oddball, MLG LOL still supports CTF and slayer incredibly. We spent well over 40+ man hours testing and perfecting this map. It was made by some of Forgehub's best, we guarantee you will love this map. Please rate the BNET thread too! Now for some screens: Here's a good example of the time, and accuracy used to merge this map, someone seems to have taken from the Mauler from this, but be sure to look for it there! This neat, perfectly interlocked and merged bride section is not only aesthetically pleasing but provides cover and a twist to gameplay. Watch out for grenades! This is one of the Hill spawns, it is also crucial to control this open room to dominate the game, look for some walls to provide cover from opponents grenades. THE SEXY CREATORS!!!! Hope you like this map as much as we do!
Fun map, I love the attention to detail - especially the parts where you're forced to crouch. I recommend this map to everyone.
It's, it's... too beautiful to describe, I'm going to stop before I fail epicly. The sheer awesome of Amplified is clear here. 500/3.6 guys.
I have to say, this map was pleasure to work with. I think the spawns and item placement is absolutely perfect, balance is amazing. 6/5
wow buddy? do yo uknwo how long this took to build? what are you talking about? don't talk **** unless you've played it. zomg.
sometime people are going to realize that collaboration joke maps are not going to be funny anymore.... but today is certainly not this day. Put the collaboration that Reynbow and his team worked on to shame, SHAME!
Brute. . . you of all people? have you even dl'ed it? and, being a male puts everything reynbow does to shame.
it was soo much fun to play and create this map. me and the other creators spent a lot of time on this map building it and testing it. i hope you all like it.
this is very funny and all, i mean come on this map is epic, but all it really is is a map thats bumping down countless maps that members have posted, I'm not saying this isn't funny, i just feel kinda bad for the people that just posted a map that they probably put alot of time into, and now those maps will never be seen, oh well
w/e man, you know what i mean [EDIT] I never gave bad rep, i wouldn't give bad rep over something silly like this
i know, i asked chron to lock it before you posted that. he will soon enough. (edit: thanks for the bad rep assholes)