all interlocked maps are great, but arent there maps that are amazing as well with no interlocking or glitches used at all? why do so many people flame peoples threads of maps when they dont use interlocking? What are ur positions in this situation: is interlocking needed?
People flame because they don't know how to make good maps. They think that the longer it takes to make, the better. They also do this to get posts, who knows why. YES! That means saying "pics don't work" or "Interlocking would make this map much better" after the 1st person says it IS SPAMMING!!!!!!!!
i personally dont think interlocking is any better than pushing them together. the only reason i do it is because if my maps arent then they will get rejected here.
I just kinda noticed this while walking over interlocking floors, and non-interlocked floors. Interlocking is only visual, for the most part. There are the same bumps in interlocked and non-interlocked floors. For things like making something fit, then yes, I'd say it's needed, otherwise plan out the map to scale beforehand. Check out Tex's 'Lazy MapMaker Competition.' ______ Phil, in a lot of cases that is true, but for certain things, interlocking is needed for something to work well.
personally i dont like interlocking.The only reason y i do it is because it makes it look nicer and it makes it look nice.Also because it makes ur map look like u spent a lot of time.And prevents people from saying this map blows make it look neater and stuff. But a lot of awesome maps have absolutely no interlocking like Lintendo 64's maps.
nice to see im not the only one odsessed with interlocking i built a map replicating on the matrix{the end of the first and by far the best film startring in the lobby and rescuing morpheus} but the interlocking isnt great so i dont think i will post it
I'm a big fan of interlocking, I think it's a wonderful tool. However, when it comes to map construction it is a luxury, not a necessity. Unless two objects when placed without interlocking seriously affect gameplay in an unfavorable manner, I believe that interlocking needs to be employed. Otherwise, if it is not needed then I think not having it is perfectly fine.
yes that is my point, many people are scared of rejection from fellow forgehubbers, and they work harder to make sure they wont receive that rejection... now the real question is, is that fear a good thing to have while making a map???
no it is not interlocking has its place in creating new shapes from boxes etc but people should so fanatical about it
There is more to a map than interlocking and actual map layout. You need to have good and balanced spawn and weapon placement too. Also here on forgehub if you want something to get noticed you must be creative. Don't just copy or rip things off of someone else's map. Such as the polished like map... Many great forgers used ideas found in this map....Such as putting weapons on walls from interlocking a hidden weapon holder behind it. It was also one of the first maps to have a kind of "hill" to it (as I see it). So if your maps aren't getting noticed, make sure you try something new for your next map. And I also disagree that interlocking boxes doesn't make them any smoother when walking across, you just need to get it at the right angle or into the other box enough to make it smooth. Interlocking allows players to design and create whole new worlds in halo. You just need the imagination.
About your response to the smoothness of double box floors: It's flat on the ground, when I tested, and I used braces, so the angle should be pretty perfect. I could try interlocking further in, but I still bump when I do it, even though it shows no bump.