Basicly my youtube account (Airsoftxx) was hacked... All videos i had with my maps are now gone too.. Sorry tex that means your video is gone.. I have a few guess as too how it happened if anyone knows anything could you possibly tell me..
Sorry no clue how it happened.But who ever did it is a douche.Why did he even need your account anyway.he coulda just made one.he thinks hes cool now because he is the "owner" of your videos??It makes no sense.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you can't be serious!!!! omg...what the **** is the point of hacking a YOUTUBE ACCOUNT?!?!?! ****ing douche...
People honestly have no lives. What's hacking a youtube account going to do? The guy who did it probably lives with his parents "Mom! Look! I have conquered the internet!"
This is what I bleave happend: I logged in at school on one of the computer, then class ended and the next class came in.. they got on my account without me knowing cause i was still logged in and thought it would be funny to delete all my videos and make the channel name " I AM GAY " ( not that there is anything rong with that, but they ment it in a negative way)
I have a few but thoes videos have been added for ages... Ive changed computers since and i normally delete most of the videos once im done but i mean... I didn't think this would happen...
And that kids is why you never enter your username and passwords on a public/school computer. Its your own damn fault. Lesson Learned?
I used to put key loggers on my school network.... not just one computer, but the entire network..... That's how I got the administrator password, the wep key, and access to everyone's account on the network.... Good times.... Good times.... Don't worry, I didn't actually mess with anyone's stuff, I just liked to look around where I wasn't supposed to... : D