hi, Ive just finished making a new map which is called Vertigo City, Firstly i started to make the 'Multi-Story' Building which consists of 3 floors(visible in the 1st screenshot), the ground floor (which is the entry level), floor 1 and Floor 2(the rooftop). Floor 2 is a snipers 'dream', it gives you control and an overview of the whole map leaving your opponent helpless, but beware there are several fusion coil surrounding the barracades leaving you with an element of caution. The rooftop is also the pathway to the bridge which leads you to a protected room which holds the only invisibility of the map and also a plasma cannon just for good measure. I then Moved on to the stairway which leads to 4 destinations, the rooftop, the protected room, the sniper platform or the machine gun turret platform which is in the near right top corner of the map (Pictured in the 4th screenshot). the stairway holds a rocket launcher and a shotgun so be wary when traveling up it as there may be an enemy just round the corner. when you reach the top of the stairway there is a platform which is ideal for sniping as it has a sniper just behind the barracade which gives you protection from enemy fire. if you turn the other way and go along the ridge you will enter a platform which is home to a machine gun turret, it also has shields to keep you safe. The stairway also gives you a direct route to the protected room and the rooftop. I then decided to make the two start points which gives you an opportunity to stock up on some much needed ammo and upgrade your weapons the start bases also hold equiptment such as regenerators a power drains to use to your advantage. If your someone who likes to sit back and wait for your enemy theres a sniper location at the start point to use which lets you pick of enemys one by one from the comfort of your base. Finnaly I added a few finnishing touches such as the containers which hold weapons and equiptment and added the weapons to the rest of the map. I made this map based on how i like a map to be. full of great weapons,locations and plenty of room for action. here are a few screenshots of Vertigo City View From Turret in top corner - showing the multi-story buildings rooftop which is ideal for sniping view of a second building which is a stairway to 4 different destinations rooftop and containers storing weapons and equiptment at the far side also 2 ghosts entrance to the city Vertigo City is best when played on slayer. at least 5 players if playing slayer and at least 3 vs 3 if playing team slayer TYPES OF WEAPONS 2x Rocket launcher 4x shotgun 2x brute shot 6x BR 2x extra AR ammo 2x Needler 2x Spiker 2x Energy Sword 1x Flamethrower 4x SMG 1x plasma cannon 1x machine gun turret 5x sniper rifle 2x beam rifle Here is a link to download Vertigo City from LINKY - Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing download, rate and enjoy cheers HINCHI
OMG did u just say that!! seriously ?? ok you need alot to learn about foreghub before u go around posting maps! look at any other good map here on forgehub! this is WAY below standards! Learn how to post a map properly (here)... Until then you wont get any downloads! Sorry
please stop double posting! you can get bad rep from that... if you dont know what that means its when u post a reply on your own map over and over again... so you dont get into trouble just click edit on your older posts and say what you want! Good Luck
You guys needs to stop leeching this thread for posts. You could have quite easily have given him the link, told him what he needs to do and not do in one post so why am I know posting this here, Guys lay off all this useless mumbo jumbo and quit the well disguised spam HINCHI you seem like a nice guy I won't report your post as I have no need to. You have 24 hours to get this post up to scratch and in any case Private message me if you want help or are stuck with something. and 35 minutes after I post that - AFTER Hinchi fixed his post another post saying it isnt upto standards. Anyway the map itself is pretty well made a few forgehub specialities could help it improve a LOT - For instance flip boxes sideways to give a flat feeling of a wall and especially your bridges - Upside down = smoother ride + aesthetically pleasing. Good job for your first map indeed. However you are about to get the wave of stupidity that is forgehub saying not to use the shield doors, Its not their fault they monkey see monkey doo and wont realise that you shield doors a pretty much camp proof as a grenade can be thrown either side killing a camper, however there are some common issues with shield doors that lead to camping (im not going to tell you how to build your map) but shield doors can put people off unless placed properly but you know I like this map and I definatly consider a version 2 Hinchi Good job for your first 3.8/5
Welcome to ForgeHub! Obviously your post isn't to standards so just read the above links and you should be fine! My personal suggestion is to put TONS of pictures. My theory is More Pictures=More Downloads.
Ok first off wow thats must have taken like 3 hours to write lol and 2nd my first post yes was a little mombo jumbo or what ever you said, but if you would have read my 2nd post instead of skipping to conclusions you would see that i did include the link to the place where it can help you with posting a map( sorry if i sound rude) Also I totally agree with you chicken Dippah and you did a good job explaining it to Hinchi! ( P.S. I was too lazy lol, but good thing we all arent lazy lol) Im giving you good rep cuz of that! And finally to hinchi this is a great starter for a map ! i can see you put a lot effort into this, but u came up a little short of really great map, but u can still drive to that extra mile i suggest a v.2! Good Luck
Yeah you guys came down on him HARD. But, besides that this map looks very well layed out. It was built very well without interlocking, which is pretty cool, but interlocking could have helped some spots play better and look better. Good job though.