District Five

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Furious D 18, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    District Five


    Download the map: District Five


    This map was designed specifically for Territories after I saw The Projects by Blazen Nite. The idea was to create a map containing several buildings so that it looks like a small town.

    Map Layout:
    There are five territories and four buildings in this map.

    Territory 1: Road Construction

    The closest goal area to the offense is also the most open. The attackers will need the nearby bubble shield to protect them from the sniper on the warehouse and the defenders in the warthog. Careless workers have left propane tanks laying near a flare.

    the view from the offense starting area

    view of the construction, the house in the background

    Territory 2: The House

    The second territory is inside an abandoned house. There are several ways into the two story house. Players can walk up the steps through the front door, jump up to the second story window, go around back and jump in through a hole in the second story wall, or crouch under the floor and pop up from a hole in the floorboards.

    Once inside, there are only 2 rooms, the first floor and the second floor. The only way up is the narrow staircase. Watch out for grenades getting bounced up and down. The territory covers the whole first and second floors of the house. There is also a crumbling roof to the house, that is somehow still able to support the weight of several Spartans.

    view one of the house

    view two of the house

    view out the front door toward the barn

    view of the hole under the floor

    view from the upstairs, overlooking the road construction

    Territory 3: The Warehouse

    Territory three is inside the large central building known as the warehouse. Not only is this the largest building in District Five, but whichever team controls the warehouse roof will have easy access to all of the other territories.

    exterior view of the warehouse

    interior view of the warehouse

    interior view from the mezzanine

    Territory 4: The Barn

    The fourth goal area is inside a barn. Well, a barn thing anyway. This building was the last addition and so I had to make do with whatever objects I had left. I chose to make a building that would lend itself to interesting encounters, but I had to sacrifice the realism of the barn. It’s more like a collection of walls than a barn, but that’s what we’re gonna call it.

    the barn, angle one

    angle two, yeah this barn has a machine gun turret and a “ladder�

    barn interior

    Territory 5: Repair Shop

    The final territory is inside a small repair shop. You’ll see an overturned mongoose outside and a warthog up on the repair lift. Both can be used in an emergency. Watch out, the mechanics keep a shotgun and a Molotov cocktail in the back. This territory covers the repair shop and the fence wall roof.

    the repair shop

    Map Layout

    Weapons, Equipment, and Vehicles

    [size=7pt]7 Battle Rifles
    1 Sniper Rifle
    1 Shotgun, reduced ammo - one spare clip
    1 Spartan Laser
    1 Brute Shot
    2 Maulers
    2 SMGs
    1 Needler
    1 Sentinel Beam
    1 Plasma Pistol
    1 Turret

    4 frag grenades
    7 plasma grenades
    1 spike grenade
    2 firebomb grenades

    1 bubble shield
    1 overshield
    1 trip mine
    1 grav-lift
    1 radar jammer
    1 flare

    1 warthog (defense)
    2 mongooses (one offense, one defense)

    Action Screenshots
    All of these shots were taken from one game on this map. Overall, the test game was a huge success. The teams were severely stacked with respect to skill, so the final score was 10-4. However, the losing team said that they enjoyed the map, but not that specific game. I mean, when was the last time you had fun on a custom map when you got owned?

    Start of the round
    The standard start of the round at territory one. Defense has two guys in the warthog and one guy going for sniper. The offense has a bubble shield and a flare deployed.

    Furious D 18 owning
    I defend territory one furiously! The offense foolishly placed a trip mine inside the bubble shield. I stepped in, tossed a grenade, and escaped in time to watch their worlds end.

    The House



    Tossing grenades down into the warehouse

    The Barn

    Silly red team, the barn is no place for a warthog!

    Repair Shop

    • I moved the radar jammer to be more effective for anyone wanting to sneak in under the floorboards.
    • I added some respawn points to cover more of the map.
    • I added Slayer starting points for up to four teams.
    • I set it up for KotH, with one hill at each territory.
    • I changed some very minor aesthetics.

    [size=10pt]Tips From the Author
    This map is built to offer a variety of gameplay and tactics. The following are tactics that I either had in mind while building the map or are things I came up with after watching the video of the first game.
    • If you are having trouble capturing the Road Construction territory, go for a different one. There is an opening to the Warehouse near the offense starting point. Also, the back hallway on Foundry has been left open so you can head for the Repair Shop. Or, grab the mongoose and drive past the defenders to the Barn. Once you capture another territory, you'll start respawning there too, and it makes it much harder on the defense to spawn camp.
    • The Warehouse seemed to be the easiest territory to capture. Also, once you get it you will start respawning in there, and it's central location makes it a great place to spawn at.
    • Don't let the offense capture your warthog.
    • On defense, if you want to get from the Repair Shop to the roof of the Warehouse quickly, crouch jump onto the warthog if it is there, and then crouch jump to the fence wall roof. It saves a good 3-4 seconds.
    I'm sure there are a bunch of other useful tactics. These are only the ones I noticed after one game. I can't wait to play this again!

    [size=10pt]Other Information
    • There are $0 left in the budget.
    • This map was going to be called Territory Town, but I remember that Lance doesn’t like weird funny names, so it’s called District Five. “Districtâ€? refers to Territories, “Fiveâ€? is how many there are.
    • Crawling under the floorboards of the house to get inside is a feature that I stole from The Estate, a Forge Hub featured map. I never actually downloaded the map, so I don’t know how similar the outcomes are, but I totally stole the idea from there. Don’t post in this thread that I stole it or that it’s old. I know.
    • Special thanks goes to the people who make up the Forging 101 articles. If I had never read about interlocking objects, this map would have been done a lot sooner but would have been a lot uglier.
    • I think I’ve earned a reputation at Forge Hub for attention to detail and thorough map reviews. I’d appreciate it if someone returned the favor.

    Thanks for reading. Also, thanks in advance for downloading it and giving glowing reviews.
  2. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    I'll definitely give it a look, I'm gonna try to run some games on it later on today. I'll get back to you with a review :).


    Even though Territories isn't my cup of tea I really like what you have done with this map. First of all it doesn't feel like you're wandering around in Foundry, it Feels like an actual place. And I love the autoshop! Never would have thought of raising up the warthog like that. Kudos on that.

    Just one thing that looked sloppy that I would have done another way is the bridge that leads you up on the sniper roof. I think that last bridge "piece" should be moved all the way to the right, til it rests against the wall. But that's also the only "negative" I have to say :).
  3. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
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    Queued for DL, EWD. :)
  4. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
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    This looks awesome...I look foreword to playing it
  5. MasterWizard

    MasterWizard Ancient
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    This looks very well thought out, and detailed. Territories isn't exactly my favorite game to play, but it looks like fun on this map. I'm downloading, I'll check it out later this afternoon.


    Alright, I'm running and flying around it in the Forge. I love the variety of the map, and the multiple entrances to each building. Overall it looks really clean and nicely done, there's lots of scenery, and its always great to see $0 of Forge money left.

    The only things I'm not so sure about are possible balance issues. Territory 5 seems to have a few unfair advantages in that it has a warthog and the other side does not. They also have a direct route up to the sniper and the other side does not. Territory 5 is also surrounded by cover, but Territory 1 is wide open. By the time that team gets out to the laser, the warthog will probably already be there mowing everybody down, or a sniper will be popping everybody in the face. Those are my main concerns.

    Structurally, everything is nice and lined up, I'm amazed by everyone's use of interlocking objects. I have still yet to try interlocking things, it seems like it would be really tedious. Just a tip, there's nothing really wrong with it at all, but if you're a stickler for details like myself, notice the top floor of Territory 2, those two double walls you have as floorboards, if you were to flip one of them over, the double lines would line up. I learned that the hard way after spending a whole night making double wall catwalks without knowing that, and then trying to figure out why things weren't looking right. Double walls have to all keep the same side up or else the double lines don't match up. Like I said, its not a big deal, and really insignificant, but if you felt like fixing it, that would be all you would need to do is flip one over.

    Great job, man!
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I got a chance to test this in a 3 vs. 3 game of Territories, and it worked pretty well. The territory capture time is fine, and so are the weapon and grenade placements. I might have to add some spawn points and spawn areas for the attackers because there was a little spawn camping going on. Also, my buddy NeverlessWonder found a place to position the warthog so that he could get on the turret and destroy the other team. But hey, that's why testing is so important. People will think of things that you never will.

    Hey Wiz, thanks for the review.

    I want to point out that this is set up for Territories, which is an asymmetrical game. The fact that one side has a warthog and easier access to the sniper rifle isn't really an issue because the teams switch sides after each round. Also, since it's asymmetrical, territory 5 can be enclosed and territory 1 can be open and it isn't an issue. If you played Land Grab (the symmetrical version of Territories), this map probably would be unbalanced in favor of red team... maybe.

    The defenders have access to the warthog and the sniper, but the offense has several pieces of equipment at their disposal (flare, bubble shield, and trip mine all near territory one).

    I didn't even notice that. Thanks for pointing it out. I might go in there and try and fix it. Also, the very top of the flag pokes through the floor at territory 2. It doesn't do anything to the gameplay but it bothers me and distracts from the game a little I think. I might try to fix that by lowering the flag a little. I'm afraid to raise the floor because it might mess everything up. That one building took over 6 hours to make! I don't want to mess with it anymore.
  7. Stevemcguy

    Stevemcguy Ancient
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    This map looks really awesome! I'm downloading this.
  8. MasterWizard

    MasterWizard Ancient
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    Oooh, I see. Like I said, I'm not really into Territories games, I didn't think about there being a difference between symmetric and asymmetric. Now everything makes more sense to me, with each team taking turns like that.
  9. Tesai

    Tesai Ancient
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    Qued up, will be back with post.
  10. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I really like the stuff you've put out so far, and this looks even better. I think you should apply for guilder again.

    EDIT: The one thing I would change is having a sniper, sentinel beam and a lazer. Personally I would put up two snipers, and take out the beam and laser.
  11. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks for the support but I have no intention of reapplying. Being a Guilder is not required to make great maps. Right now I'm just happy Forging for fun and using my moderator powers to help the newbies. Now, back on topic!


    I've updated this map. The original post has been edited and the link will now take you to the revised version. I didn't change anything major. I mostly just added support for Slayer and KotH, and I fixed an aesthetic bug.

    I also added a bunch of action screenshots from the test game. Yes, this map has now been tested in a 3 vs. 3 game and it ROCKS! [/bragging] All of the new screenshots are in their own section so it will be easy for you to find the new ones.

    I put a lot of effort into this map and it's my new baby. I really think this map has what it takes to be a lasting favorite. I'd like to hear what people think about it if they check it out in Forge, and I'd love to hear what people think if they get a chance to play this in an actual game. Like I said, Territories is recommended, but Slayer and Team King will also be cool.
  12. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Well I know how accurate and well thought out your comments and reviews are so I anticipate some amazing stuff, Lolz. Unfortunately for both of us, my ISP sucks hard and my net drops regularly making online play difficult, so I've only been able to look around your map in forge.

    What strikes me most is the attention to detail and scenery, what you've done with the barn window and fork lift truck are nice touches. I also like how much debris you end up with after a few nades and coils have blown.

    The weapon placement appears good, I like how the splazer and turret are understated (if thats the right word), and are not placed where the average forger might put them, such as putting the turret at the highest point where it would be too dominate. I think the equipment is sensible also, not many maps can make good use of radar jammers but i think this is definitely one.

    I hope I don't offend you by saying this, but the only problem I see is that the concept seems quite uncreative. The buildings themselves are nicely built and clearly a lot of thought has gone into how they will play and what their role is. It's hard to describe, the buildings themselves are great and the gameplay (from what I can gather in forge) looks like it would be great too, but the idea of just having several buildings, each with a territory or hill seems lacking. Theres a lot of competition for maps consisting of towns or cities, and I think you aren't getting the downloads because people will just glance at it and think, "eh, it's just a town map, I already have one". I think you should try something more elaborate for your next map, you've got the gameplay and ascetic factors down.

    I don't know how many DLs the first version got, but this really deserves more than 5 downloads. Very nice work indeedy.

    Also your post is perfect. Just, well.. perfect. I may have to steal the "map layout" idea, heh. Great job.
  13. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks. The laser was a last minute addition only to add another way to counter the warthog. The turret was placed so that players pretty much have to dislodge it to be effective.

    Agreed. By my own admission the idea of this map was inspired by Blazen Nite's map. However, I feel that there is nothing wrong with using an old idea as long as you make it better. I've yet to come across a "city" type map that is better than this. Hooverville by Trickmyster and Coolant comes close, but theirs is Infection, ugh.

    Oh, I'm not done yet. I haven't decided on my next project, but I am disappointed by the lack of feedback I'm getting here. I think it is because the community plays a lot of mini-games and Infection, and they don't appreciate a competitive game like Territories. So I might take my own advice that I've given other people and branch out.

    Yes, I might make an Infection map. Give the people what they want, right? I've had a grudge against Infection for a long time, maybe it's time we get back together.

    Anyway, I really appreciate the feedback Mallet.
  14. Tesai

    Tesai Ancient
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    I just checked out your map Furious D, twas really friggin cool. Lookes like a perfect map for territories. The base priority seemed real intuitive and I love the fact that each base had multiple entries. Didn't get a chance to play it, but it looked well thought out.

    Have you found that the warthog throws the balance off?
  15. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Well, the warthog is useful, but not unbalanced. It does give the defenders the advantage of speed and firepower, but it is not unbalanced. There are several ways to counter the warthog. There is a trip mine right around the corner of that permanent wall in Foundry. Also, you have a bubble shield to guard against the turret. There is a plasma pistol to stop it in it's tracks. There are plenty of walls to hide behind, so the warthog can't dominate like it does in open maps like Valhalla. And there are a couple territories where you can find a spot that the warthog simply can't get to you.

    If I added a power drain or gravity hammer, the warthog would be too easy to destroy. That's bad because no one would ever use it, it would be a death trap. I tried to make it effective, but able to be countered. Just like every weapon and vehicle should be.
  16. Stevemcguy

    Stevemcguy Ancient
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    I downloaded this a few days ago and played a couple of games with some clan members. Wow, was it fun! After the first game had ended they wanted to play it again...and it's Territories! Props man, this is a great map.

  17. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Looks great Furious... you've succeeded in pissing me off, cuz i was workin on a similar idea, and now our ideas are going to have to compete lol....

    great job man, im DLing
  18. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Furious! You have the best map "posting" skillz, on the entire site! I like to say that you are a great forger, and you should make some maps, and try to become a guilder, i know you tried before, and asked to lock the thread, but listen, you are amazing!.

    k thanks, lol :squirrel_eyebrow:
  19. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    First of all, thank you for making such a neat, organized, detailed, and correct post for others to see so hopefully they'll also post as you do. What I really like about this map is the diversity of the buildings. It definently looks like fun with a lot of people and I'll be sure to Q this up.
  20. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Very nice map. I really liked playing on this one. When we were doing 3on3 I'd take the warthog and park it just outside 2, with my eye on both 1 and 4 while my teammates handled anything I couldn't... Oh how the other team HATED me. lol! It was awesome.

    I was a little disappointed that you can't get 2 from underneath though. I think that would work well, since the defenders could just throw a few nades down there to clean it out if it was being attacked. But it also could work out that the defenders won't know you're there.

    But yeah Furious, great job. You definately know what goes into making a good map.

    EDIT: Bonus points for all the cool action shots of me!!! Yay! You got the one where I stick the guy by 2 AND took out the warthog in the barn. Silly red team indeed.

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