CQB Maze

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MrComputerGeek, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. MrComputerGeek

    MrComputerGeek Ancient
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    CQB Maze
    Bankrupt wearhouse leaves a crazy old owner with a bunch of boxes and way to much time. (SET WEAPON START TO SMG)

    Download Link: CQB Maze

    Description: CQB Maze. That pretty much sums it all up. To explain it in more detail though; this map is a symmetrical (not a-symmetrical) map and was built to accomplish two things, to bring back the use of dual-wieldable weapons and for Close Quarter Combat. With so many twists and turns even I get lost in it on rare occasion, usually after a frantic battle. If you stay on the ground you'll find all sorts of walls and hallways making for a hectic battles that can switch who has the upper hand if your not careful, especially if a radar jammer is thrown in. If you decide to stay on the high ground and jump from crate to crate be sure to watch out for snipers because they'll have a hay day with you. Best if you get one of the BR's lying around. There's also two teleporters that will take you to the back tunnel where you'll find the sword, and if you continue to go along into the rooms you'll see an assortment of weapons for your choosing. The weapons and equipment on this map consist of one sword that spawns up to two times (like the sword on Construct), two shotguns, 2 snipers, a gravity hammer a rocket launcher, camo, power drains, gravity lifts (non-portable and portable), flares and radar jammer (these really -blam!- you up), an assortment of other dual wieldable weapons, and, of course, battle/assault rifles. I've found this map to be extremely fun and interestingly challenging for One-On-One match ups, and four person slayer. Anything higher hasn't been tested because I run into the problem of people not knowing the map and thus getting easily confused and wanting to quit. If you can get that many people though, try it out and tell me how it plays and give any suggestions that you can to make it better. Be sure to change weapon starts to SMG to bring in some dual-wielding fun, unless you don't like that weapon start and prefer the assault rifle.

    NOTE: Even with all of these power weapons the map still stays pretty well balanced, and if you get some jack-ass that's enjoying camping, there's always an easy way to take him out (assuming you know where he is).





    #1 MrComputerGeek, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  2. ICanHazH34DSH0T

    ICanHazH34DSH0T Ancient
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    Nice. People might harrass you about interlocking and shield doors, but I think it is perfecty fine the way it is. Props man.
    I can haz first post plz k thnx bai
  3. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    Excellent to see another correct first post (your name is MrComputerGeek though, that's a dead give away). I'm not gonna hound you about interlocking, seeing it is your first post. I don't really like maze maps, but again, as a first post it is perfectly fine.
  4. MrComputerGeek

    MrComputerGeek Ancient
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    Thanks, I'm assuming by interlocking you ment the pictures touching each other. I knew that was a problem, but since the code goes away (meaning you see the pic after preview instead of [​IMG]) I decided to be lazy. Since you two commented on it though I guess I'll be less lazy and fix it. Thanks
  5. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    interlocking is making two or more objects into one object in Forge. (not that it creates one entity, but it looks like it)

    So like if a double box is too long to fit, you can interlock it into whatever is behind it, so that it fits perfectly. read Forging 101 for how to do these things.

    Forging 101
  6. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    looks cool, is this your first map? if so then this is much better than my first post. looks pretty cool from what i can see and i cant wait to check it out
  7. Vexrog

    Vexrog Ancient
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    LOOks very good ill play it and review it when i have the time.
  8. Chase154

    Chase154 Ancient
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    cool map keep making maps
    good job on the stairs and other objects
  9. Snip3rs Creed

    Snip3rs Creed Ancient
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    Hey I'm the guy to harrass you about interlocking ^^. I think that your map looks really good, and I really have never had a problem with people putting shield doors in their maps unless they use them extensively and in your map it's fine. I will however say that interlocking could really improve the asthetics of your map, giving it a cleaner, smoother feeling, but your map looks fairly nice for having no interlocking at the moment. I suggest the next time you get a chance just take a glance at forging 101 interlocking. =)
    #9 Snip3rs Creed, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  10. MrComputerGeek

    MrComputerGeek Ancient
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    Ok great, I will check into forge 101. And also yes, this is my first map that i was actually serious about making.
  11. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    nice looks like alot of fun to play you should enter in the lazy map maker contest
  12. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    I predict a master forger in the not too distant future... a map that needs to stay uninterlocked... In his first post too... Yeah, great things are coming from this guy.
  13. Vx Iron Man xV

    Vx Iron Man xV Ancient
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    This is a great map for 1v1, 2v2, or FFA but I can't get more people than that who know the map enough for it to be fun. I'm perfectly fine with the fact that you didn't use interlocking. This map is one that needs it. Keep it up.

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