As my first submission I hope I write this up right. This map is a close in competitive map my friends and I have had a lot of fun testing. The map contains 4xBRs, 4xSMG's, 1xSpikers, and 2xpistols along with a 1xmauler on the top floor and a 1xshotgun on the bottom. The map supports most game-types but is only fun with slayer and oddball. Now here are some map photos. The top Floor The bottom Floor A three man Skirmish The lift to the top Download here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Mods feel free to lock im postin V2 very soon
this post is not up to forgehub standards you need to embed pics and also i could not find the link for the map. you have 24 hours before a mod will come and lock this thread
Hey welcome to forge hub. Get your pics working with sites like photobucket (its free). I look forward to seeing your map.
You can't embed pictures straight from bungie. The pop up viewer is a page that embeds the picture and shows it to you. Therefore, you can't embed an html page as an image, because the bb code is converted to <IMG></IMG> tags. PM me and I'll send you a tutorial on how to embed pictures from an image hosting site. Also, allow me to let you know that we need a link to your map to download it.
Maybe as a suggestion for your description you could add maybe how many weapons there are of each? (i.e.) Battle Rifle - 3x (denoting 3 battle rifles obviously) This may help make the layout a bit better, and as I heard from someone previously, using paragraphs does help make it easier to read the description. Happy forging! (and welcome to forge hub!) ~Randle $candal
Thats pretty much the whole thing. Its very small and breaks with more than 6 players. If you listen to my limits though its very fun. The only interlocks ar the floor/ ceiling and the barrier.
Now that the pics are up I'd like to comment on the map. It looks like you have a good concept here but your forging techniques look a bit sloppy, to improve the look of your map I would really try to straighten things up, (especially the fence walls). Good luck on your future maps.
ANOTHER map named Warehouse. Kinda hard to get a good feel for the map from the pics. You should probably have at least two routes between the top and bottom floors to alleviate camping. other than that, looks good.