Blockhouse Created by Aitius Supported Gametypes: Oddball Two-Flag Slayer KOTH Map Description This map is my entry for the Lazy Mapmakers contest. That means that there is no Interlocking, geo-merging, and any other forge technique except floating objects. This map can work for MLG variants, but if you play regular, make the flag on almost-touch return like MLG because of how small the map is. I know the wall looks shoddy, but remember the rules for the contest. ***Weapons List*** Sniper x2 (1 spare clip) (90 second respawn) Shotgun x1 (0) (120) SMG x2 (30) BR x 6 (45) AR x2 (45) As you can see, the weapons list is very plain because it is a simple map. _________________________________________________ Overview Overview 2 and the Shoddy wall Shotty Base 1 (both are the same) Sniper Spawn Center Area _________________________________________________ Thanks for looking. Oh, and please don't bother to tell me that MLG doesn't use shotguns, because I already know. Download Blockhouse
You could use some forge 101 techniques to use interlocking to help you make your map better if you choose to make anouher version.
READ THIS IN CASE YOU DIDN'T READ THE FIRST PART hopefully i will, Eyeless, but remember, this was an entry for the Lazy Mapmakers contest. i could only use the floating object technique
I'm entering a map for that too. But I have to redo it lol. I personally don't think a zig-zag wall is a good idea without interlocking. . . sorry. _____ My sig is the real cure. XD
Shows how people never read posts.... Anyway back to the important part, grading your map! I like the cleverness of using the door to add to the walkway when you can't intersect (since doors naturally intersect) It was clever, I don't think I would have thought of that. Aesthetically it could have been a bit better. I will try this one out though, because I like people's submissions to the lazy forger competition, they are normally great maps, and it shows that great maps do not need interlocking! Anyways I would give this a 4/5 because Aesthetically it lacks, but everything else seems pretty good! Happy forging! ~Randle $candal
........ ..............yah......................................this know................ let me draw a picture -.- yep art school
I love how you said that you entered this into a lazy map maker contest yet people are too lazy to read what you have to say and just say, use forging 101 techniques to improve this map... Thats what I call lazy post mongers, they just take a quick look at the pics try to give a small piece of advise that isn't needed after the 15th time.
mkay...this is a great example...thanks, I will definately have to post in the thread now "DO NOT POST ON FORGEHUB, AS THE PEOPLE WILL NOT GIVE A **** WHAT YOU SAY, AND WILL SAY, "NEEDS INTERLOCKING, GEO-MERGING, "FORGING 101 TECHNIQUES""." srsly...these people...who don't read...are getting on my nerves...