Infestation is my first infection map in which i used an open area that leaves attacks possible from every angle. This map though is a structure built in the sky where the defenders spawn. The zombies spawn on the ground and must reach their way to the top of the sky base to get you. Their are three levels in which u can attack from. First Level On this level their is a series of man cannons that take u to lvl2 The man cannons Lvl 2 is infact small, but its spread out which is great in the map for better seeing your surroundings and generating points. Lvl 3 is the highest level and is jam packed with very useful weapons, as well as a very good sniping spot. And to also make it harder for the zombies, there are only 3 ways to get onto the base and i will only show you one, which is the most obvious ad risky way: So Try it out and plz comment back and tell me how the gameplay was. Tips would also be helpful Download Infestation
Hmm, what are the humans weapons? If they have long range it could be very easy to pick off zombies, and you are encouraging camping as well... Which is a a major no-no in zombie maps. I like your idea but this might be better for a different gametype like slayer and such, so you don't camp as much. Good design though! Happy Forging ~Randle $candal
prtty much tho only long rang weapons are a spartan laser. there is a hidden room in the map with a sniper tho. tht is about all the long range weapons. plus there is only one camping spot so u cant really
I like how creative this map is. I've heard of "outside the box" but you seem to have placed the box in another box and thrown it off a cliff. Good job!
hey i was thinking of making a V2 of the map on avalanche i mean bigger space and more scenery, i think u could do a lot there but i think ill need help, so if u want in just add my gamertag XxWolfy663xX i wont start it until i get enough forgers to help so dont worry
i think really any sort of camping is bad unless the zombies have started with at least 75% lol kids that would be to easy, but i just don't like camping.
pretty good indeed, not such a liker of camping tough and that was the happening so... but in the other way a nice map indeed (2*indeed=lol) You should try making a v2 on Avalanche with more scenery and stuffy, if anyone's into it, I would like to have a nice infection map.
pretty good job but what kind of infection shoulkd this be used on fat kid normal infection or instant kill????