Hey guys, I was forging my new map recently and I want to merge walls and signs with the floors and walls. I was just wondering what techniques are used to accomplish such a thing (I've tried multiple ways but I couldn't get it to merge). Hopefully this thread will help others out with their maps as well and maybe a bit more advanced merging guide will be added to the forging 101 section. Thanks for checking this out and for any feedback given.
I find putting teleporters around the objects and putting doors on top of them helps alot to Forge stuff to the floor. Although I'm not too sure on the walls part.
Is that how everyone merges things like walls and signs into the floor? I've tried it with nodes, but it didn't work out, I'll go back and try again.
Both. Or neither. I use doors to stabilize because of their relative influence on other objects. It is also useful for geomerging.
Grr I've tried many different ways, but I still can't figure out how to merge signs. I've got walls down, but still can't get a hang of signs.
When geomerging, Guides are your friends. Surround every side of the sign with walls and then the one on top that you will sink it with. If you need any help my GT=Coyote1023
I did it using teleporter nodes as guides and bumping it down with a single box, but it was really hard to get it straight. Good enough I guess.