Halo Wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Matty, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Halo Wars






    Analysis of the Screenshots

    • The first screenshot shows a few warthogs driving across a snowy plane, overlooking a UNSC base. The Marines are blue, showing that this is Multiplayer. The first notable thing is the scale of the maps. They are huge! You can see for miles across. The next thing to notice is the large amount of natural landscape that we are seeing. It becomes clear that Ensemble want to create alot 'natural setting' for the players to become engulfed in.
    • The second screenshot shows a very large Multiplater battle, between a UNSC player and a Covenant player. This shows that both teams are playable, atleast in multiplayer. Were also seeing an Elephant, which operates as a 'mobile barracks', allowing the UNSC to create troops during a battle. Also, we are seeing a crashed Pelican, and a crashed Albatross Dropship, showing how destroyed units will stay in the game for a relatively long time, blocking line of sight and providing cover for smaller units.
    • The third screenshot shows alot of Covenant units, presumably preparing for an attack. Here we are seeing Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, Banshee's, Wraiths and a Scarab. All are controllable units, all looking very interesting in a bold pink colour. We are also seeing one of the covenant sniper towers, possibly a buildable item. We are also seeing some very interesting Foreruner architecture. Now we know for a fact that the Halo rings are not discovered until 'Halo Combat Evolved', some few years later. That leaves only a few conclusions. Iether this is a plannet that was once populated by the Forerunner, and not a Halo. Or, this is a Multiplayer level, set on a Halo, which is perfectly acceptable.
    • The fourth screenshot is also of a battle scene. Here, the UNSC are getting completely massacred. This screenshot is of Campaign, Reach to be exact. Now, Halo 1 takes place just after the war on Reach. Halo Wars begins a few years before Halo 1, meaning that this should be one of the final levels of Halo Wars, although that is just a guess. Here we are seeing the destructive power of the covenant. UNSC units are strewn across a battlefield scarred by plasma burns.
    • For the fifth screenshot, we are seeing a large UNSC base. Presumably, this is Campaign, although it could be Multiplayer. We are seeing Scorpion Tanks, Wolverine AA's, and some Warthogs in the distance. The base also has some defence turrets on the corners, which look interesting. The pelican is also using a searchlight, as if it is looking for something, or someone.
    That concludes my analysis, i may look into some more screenshots later.

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    #1 Matty, Jun 17, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  2. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
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    tbh, i don't think i'm going to get it, strategy games like this should stick to pc not xbox. Unless they let you plug in a mouse and play... then the gameplay is going to be abit hard.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    This looks amazing but i am still wondering if the flood will be playable or not? either way it will be a awesome game and i will defiantly buy it.

    P.S. matty do you know when it will be coming out?
  4. Lil Kru8

    Lil Kru8 Ancient
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    looks like starcraft on the 360 to me anyone else agree?
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I agree with the esimations of a late Fall release, but some people think they could push it to early 2009.

    Fact is, E3 is in a week or two, so expect some footage, also i would expect a demo soon.
  6. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    the 4th picture on the bottom has a background of the halo rings, so apparently in this game there on multiplayer maps that take place on halo :)
  7. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    Hell yes I'm getting it! I'm kind've sick of FPS's, I want a different game. The only question is, this, or Tom Clancy's End War? Hmm... guess I'll wait till they come out and read a few reviews.
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Analyzed another screenshot, really looking foreward to this game.
  9. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I'm pretty convinced of the control system for this, I'll be giving it a whirl most definately.
  10. Rose Red

    Rose Red Ancient
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    I hope they end the game at the battle of reach.
  11. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Halo Wars looks very cartoony.
    But I'll still probably end up getting it
  12. garsykat19

    garsykat19 Ancient
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    I haven't liked most of the RTS' on the 360 so far, but the controls look and sound easier. I hope there'll be a demo, just to test it out.
  13. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Im not going to get it i dont like strategy/skybird view games.I rather buy crysis instead.
  14. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I'm pretty sure the entire game is going to take place on post "Contact Harvest" Harvest.
  15. E93

    E93 Guest

    It looks cool.
    I've never owned a RTS game, but I've played some in LAN paryies. (Weren't those the days? With Counter-Strike and stuff....:))

    Problem is, like someone already pointed out, wouldn't RTS games best stick with PC?
  16. R3ign

    R3ign Ancient
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    This game will be the next big thing I think. Hopefully we get some multiplayer with this game, but without it, it will still rule

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