Invent a skull!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr. Skittles, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    The Red Skull
    I thought he died in WWII...
    Under a rock
    Makes the Marvel Villian the Red Skull attack you
    Difficulty x4
  2. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name: Closer to the heart
    Skull description: Stfu
    Skull color: Silver
    Skull location: Some were in gravemind, only on legendary.
    Skull effect: Makes Cortana and Gravemind sighlent.
    Skull difficulty: Less then easy, making -5x as hard.
  3. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name: if im going down......
    Skull description: IM TAKING YOU WITH ME!!!!!!
    Skull color:silver
    Skull location: inside the phantom you can run into on the covenant(be quick)
    Skull effect: causes a exsplosion of ludicrous proportions when you die killing everything within a 10 mile radius
    Skull difficulty: silver so no bonus multiplyer
  4. Kamakse

    Kamakse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name: anti G
    Skull info: who turned off gravity
    Skull location: on the ark, when the light bridge turns on you have 3 seconds to grab it floating in the gorge.
    Skull effect: creates zero gravity and lets you fly around.
    Skull difficulty: silver.

    Skull name:Spartan 4 program
    Skull info: unsc just got better.
    Skull location: kill all marines at the start of crows nest the last one will drop it.
    Skull effect: turns all marines in to Spartans.
    Skull Difficulty:silver

    Skull name: reality
    Skull info: welcome to reality
    Skull location: brake open all trashcans in the level the storm
    Skull effect: creates destroyable environments
    Skull Difficulty: silver
    #24 Kamakse, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  5. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh man, I really like these sulls you guys are making! Keep it up, and as for me, I feel like posting another:

    Name: Assassin
    Description: Silent but deadly...
    Color: Gold
    Location: In the back of the tunnel on the Covenant when you beat the first wraith outside, by the active camo.
    Effect: Makes you have active camo on at all times. Works like regular active camo (as in you become visible when you shoot or get shot) but stays completely active. Downside: Enemies are immune to assassinations (I know right?).
    Difficulty modifier: x2
  6. Rose Red

    Rose Red Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name:Gore
    Skull description: Hold on to your heads!
    Skull color: Crimson
    Skull location: On a dead flood form in delta Halo
    Skull effect: Makes any enemy you shoot loose a limb [ legs,arms, head]
    Skull difficulty:easy

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pimp skull
    slap that hoe :)
    gives u the ability to pimp slap
  8. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hope you don't mind stubbed toes...
    Master Chief takes fall damage.
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Aurora: Who says the Master Chief always has to be green?
    Effect: The player models for the MC and Elites are swapped with whatever the player has his multiplayer Spartan/Elite set, including armor and color.
    Type: Silver
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    skull name: fiesta
    description: (im too tired to think of a witty description)
    effect: you spawn with random weapons [and equipment?], but if you die by suicide or betrayal, you keep the same weapons. (prevents suicides to get good weapons)
    type: silver
  11. PwnCakes

    PwnCakes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name: Fishy.
    Skull description: Some-thing smells Fishy.
    Skull color: silver
    Skull location: On Sierra 117, While attempting to retrieve evac... under the water at the left side of the broken dam.
    Skull effect: All AIs drop on the ground, and flop around like a fish out of water. (For 30 seconds randomly every 10 minutes.)
    Skull difficulty: x0.5
  12. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name: Lone Wolf
    Skull description: You stand alone.....
    Skull color: Gold
    Skull location: Halo- At the end of the rather long tunnel next to the final Terminal
    Skull effect: Rather self explanatory. Removes ALL AI companions from the game except where necessary to progress the campaign. In otherwords, no marines, no elites, nothin'.
    Skull difficulty: Very Hard- though dependent upon the level.


    Skull name: Hostility
    Skull description: Enemies on every side....
    Skull color: Gold
    Skull location: Rat's Nest-shoot marines until they become hostile to you, the skull will then appear near one of the sets of stairs in the control room.
    Skull effect: Marines and Elites are Hostile to MC
    Skull difficulty: Very Hard- Even more so than Lone Wolf


    Skull Name: Grunty Thirst
    Skull Description: When the covenant runs out of everything else.....
    Skull Color: Silver
    Skull Location: The Covenant- Aboard the second scarab that appears, inside the engine room
    Skull Effect: Turns ALL Covenant opponents into grunts.
    Skull Difficulty: Very easy.


    Skull Name: Hulk
    Skull Description: You won't like them when they're angry......
    Skull Color: Gold
    Skull Location: Floodgate: Just before you find the Prophet of Mercy, off to the far left, inside the wall-hold [rb] to pick it up.
    Skull Effect:
    All enemies (with the exception of a few flood forms) have the 'berserker' attack that the Brutes will often utilize. Additionally, they receive a significant speed boost and attack boost.
    Skull Difficulty: Very hard


    Skull Name: Fireworks
    Skull Description: Kick back and enjoy the show.
    Skull Color: Silver
    Skull Location: The Covenant: A short while after beginning the level, you will see an evergreen. Fire the laser at it, and it will knock the skull from the boughs.
    Skull Effect: All enemies(including the flood, when possible) are armed with some variation of an explosive weapon, and will use them very generously-even with friendly forces in front of them.
    Skull Difficulty: Extremely Easy

    That is all for now. More to come later.
  13. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol, that's my favorite so far
  14. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name: Shadow
    Skull description: Death comes in all shades of Black
    Skull color: Black
    Skull location: In the darkest corner of floodgate
    Skull effect: All enemies are a pitch black color, can't tell what weapon they're holding ot how much shields they have left, etc.
    Skull difficulty: a bit harder
    Skull name: Fairy
    Skull description: omg teh forgzorz!
    Skull color: silver
    Skull location: inside some double box
    Skull effect: you can go to forgemode and spawn stuff that's on that level, including AI
    Skull difficulty: easy
  15. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name: Switch
    Skull Description: My weapon is acting strangely now...
    Skull Color: Silver
    Skull Location: On Sentinel after activating Halo.
    Skull Effect: Switches the shots fired from the equal opposite in covenant/human weapons. When firing the carbine, it will look like a battle rifle shot. When Firing Magnum, looks like Plasma Pistol shot. etc.
    Skull Difficulty: None, does not change the weapon damage, just looks different.

    Skull Name: Recharge
    Skull Description: That wasn't there when I last left...
    Skull Color: Gold
    Skull Location: Tsavo Highway, on a cliff hanging off right as you get to the part with the lots of Wraiths.
    Skull Effect: All enemies recharge armor and limbs. Brutes with missing parts of armor, get their armor back, and flood with missing limbs get the limbs back.
    Skull Difficulty: Difficult, can be extremely difficult on higher levels, especially when the flood are growing back limbs.
  16. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wouldnt fireworks mode make it really hard?
  17. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name:power-Up
    Skull description: Now everyone has a great weapon.
    Skull color: Gold (duh)
    Skull location: Finish the covenant level and go all the way back to the start and then its there.
    Skull effect:Every grunt Carries a plama rifle as primary weapon and carries plasma pistol as secondary and carry plasma nades. All brutes carry hammers or swords as primary weapon. And carry brute shots as secondary weapon and carry spike nades.
    Skull difficulty: Real hard especially on legendary.
  18. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull name: Red light
    Skull description: Oh look, a little Red light... Oh S***!
    Skull color: Silver.
    Skull effect: Gives all AI, including enemies, a Spartan Laser with Inlimited Ammo.
    Skull location: In the room with the bomb at the beginning of the second mission.
    Skull difficulty: x3

    BTW, this would be useful on the Flood Missions, because the Flood cannot fire a Spartan Laser. Instead, they charge the laser for a second or so and stop using it.
    #38 Wraith, Jun 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2008
  19. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Skull Name: Hot Seat
    Skull Description: Hey! I called shotgun first!
    Skull Color: Silver
    Skull Effect: All allied AI will not exit a vehicle if they are currently in it. The only way to get them out is to flip the vehicle.
    Skull Location: Covenant right under the glowing bridge that Guilty Spark turns on.
    Skull Difficulty: Very Hard, now you will have to deal with terrible driving.

    Skull Name: Exhaustion
    Skull Description: Slow down, I need to take a break.
    Skull Color: Gold
    Skull Effect: Your player speed is lowered to 75% you will now move slower, and thus are easier to be killed.
    Skull Location: Cortana, in the room where you find Cortana. It will be hiding pretty well so you would have to search
    Skull Difficulty: x4 now it will take longer to finish games, and vehicle use will seem very good, thus making you a big target. Harder to jack vehicles as well.
  20. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amen to that... LOL.

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