Until Darkness2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by the other dark, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yeah I don't think I'm going to use filters in my future maps it seems like its being used alot now but I'll probably make more maps on Ghost Town. Oh and I hope you enjoy the map thanks for going out and getting more feedback for the map.
  2. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    I ususally dislike the effects that make it dark because it is impossible to see, but in this map you made lights which will guide you throughout the map which is probably vital to survival. 5/5
  3. TicTock

    TicTock Guest

    After playing this with a group of friends we desidded we like it. It did not become to dark to fast we had enough time to build defences,but even that didn't prepare us for how dark it became we were holding the zombies out well for a time then we all got sepperated and then slowly we all started getting picked off one by one. One second my friends next to me the next hes dead. ;) I remember one match we had one guy that went out to scout for the group and he was like "its clear" then he yelled "where did they all come from?!?!?" lets just say he wasn't our scout for much longer. ;) Overall we had a terrifing blast on the map this is one of our favorite ghost town infection maps. 5/5 good work.
  4. Rose Red

    Rose Red Ancient
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    Wow looks nice, has plenty of aesthetic items and spots. DLd
  5. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    Dude, the same thing happend to me lol, I was all frustrated asking where my teamates were (they were infected) and then all of a sudden I get ambushed by two zombies! Very fun map with a big party dude, I really like this map. Two Thumbs up. BTW I love the idea of changing to night!
  6. WhiskyPete

    WhiskyPete Guest

    This looks nice I have been seeing alot of good Ghost town maps recently including this one good work. I like all the defensive points the humans have non of them look too unfair though for the zombies which is a good thing :). I really like how the turret tunnel looks reminds me alot of GOW.
  7. Flawless Blades

    Flawless Blades Ancient
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    It turns into night? Hmm....Just for that unique idea I will try it out.
  8. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    If you find any flaws in the map , gametype or other things you think could be done better after playing please come back with the feed back. I will accept Possitive or negative feedback and your personal opinion on it. Also if you have any questions you can ask me or my friend ''The Other Dark''. I hope you have an enjoyable game or two on our map and please leave any feedback you may have. Have a nice forge day :)-Eyeless Sid
  9. Flawless Blades

    Flawless Blades Ancient
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    Hello. I just played it with some friends yesterday and it was pretty fun scary. I downloaded another day to night map and comparing them together, I gotta say that I prefer yours.

    The only flaw that I see is the open roof top. Not only is it the brightest place on the map. But it can also be used so that the zombies cannot win. All you have to do is sit on the very corner on the rubbles and watch your radar. If a large number of zombies rush him then it can work. For small parties however it is unfair to the zombies.

    Btw, I think zombies should be black and have a Hammer as secondary since the Energy Sword's light gives it away...unless you had intended them that way.
    #69 Flawless Blades, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I'm glad you tried the map out and had so fun with your friends. As for the roof top camping I have ran into that problem time to time. The only advice to zombies I have so they can effectivly take out the campers on the roof is to attack from the front and the side at the same time and or wait until the humans waste there ammo and then rush them. I had humans black so they could easily avoid zombies in the dark which are green with swords that glow so you can tell where they are. Humans have a 10 m radar while the zombies have a 75 m radar so the zombies have the chance to plan how they want to get the humans also zombies have a plasma pistol side arm to pull out so they are less vissable if they choose to be. Thank you for looking at both the gametype and the map and giving your feedback and your opinion. :) I will try out other game types to see if they will even out the game for both the humans and the zombies starting with may be hammer secondary weapon and possible a poor cammo for the zombies and then making the humans more vissable so they can be seen easier in the dark.
  11. Flawless Blades

    Flawless Blades Ancient
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    Glad to be of service. I will be sure to keep playing this with my friends. If I see anything wrong I will let you know.
  12. Wraith_5

    Wraith_5 Ancient
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    The rickity bridge sold this one for me. Not complicated, but simple, which probably makes the best infection maps anyway.
  13. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This is a great idea. Unfortunatly for me, I can't dl cuz I dont have the DLC, but it still looks like a good map.
  14. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Yea these darkening maps are pretty cool, it's good to see you've put lots of stuff into this because most ghost town maps have nothing in them.
  15. BiskitAsassin

    BiskitAsassin Ancient
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    Nice map lots of fun. nice job man.
  16. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    not to be mean but i dont really get it, and the filters dont look good on this map, or atleast make it brighter
  17. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    Looks better than the first "Until Darkness" map. I really like how you kept the lights (mancannons) for light, without them it would be impossible to move around,I also really like how someplace look like they were boarded up, nice map and i will give it a 5/5
  18. drak

    drak Ancient
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    dude who the hell is supposed to see that?
  19. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    This map looks really well made, and the changing lighting is awesome. Good work, 5/5, I would DL but I have 100 items on my xbox already, so I have to delete some stuff first.
  20. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    this is great for ghost town and you can notice changes the person made while with others it's hard to tell, nice job.

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