Ok, boxes not placed at 90 degree angles to each other does not mean they are crooked. pretty much all objects you get in foundry revolve around right angles so what are you meant to do if you don't want your whole level to just be made up of square/rectangular structures? You angle them, angling them upwards is just the same. Far from just thrown together, I think this map looks pretty planned. Some things do look crazily placed but it also looks like they're definitely meant to be that way. Deviating from the normal foundry forging procedures is not a bad thing and I find it refreshing to see someone trying to make some interesting angles with what are basically a bunch of squares and rectangles. This said, the interlocking isnt perfect, some walls are a little crooked and they don't look deliberate. But nothing damaging to gameplay as far as I can tell so big deal. This map definitely deserves more than its 1 star rating, its not the best map ever but come on, leave the weird looking angles aside and see how it flows when you run around it.
nice geomerging but the map laylout looks like you were just bored so you made a map. this doesnt looked planned out at all.
Im going to be brutaly honest with you Al, this map is very ugly. Interlocking doesnt seem to make sense, the merged double box with the flag looks like a mistake, and the whole map looks cluttered, and put together in a rush. This is just my opinion, no offense to your map making skills. I just believe you can do better.
lol, wtf where did this come from? I thought this map was loooooong gone. The only thing I'm not getting is when people say walls are crooked. Where at? Also, I have no idea why the bridges were not turned upside down. I can't remember for the life of me why I didn't. There must of been some reason. edit: Merged double box with the flag? What?