Train Wreck

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by JaceMc, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    Hey there, I'm Jace. I've been making maps for ages now, pretty much since Foundry was released. So I've gotten pretty familiar with Interlocking floating, all that crap. Releasing them though, well, let's just say I havn't been happy with the end product and deleted them. So welcome to my first official map, Train Wreck.

    Train Wreck is an Infection map on Foundry that I've been making for about 2 weeks now. The basic story is, this town used to be a quiet little town that was, in fact, a cover for a military lab. Of course, the chemical they'd been testing was released, and the quiet little town whipped out all it's hidden turrets and weapons and got into the fight of their lives. Unfourtunately for the locals, they only managed to nail the infected, not being able to locate the original infected. The town was abandoned, and stamped as a No-Go Zone. This was all good, until your train went the wrong way and de-railed into the town, awakening the zombie. Now it's time for you to finish what the military couldn't stop.

    Cool huh?

    Ok, here's some pics:

    Ok, so heres where you spawn, inside the crashed train. The luggage has gone everywhere, but that's the least of your worries...

    Ironically, your train crashed right next to the train station. It's not too much of a fort, but take a look around, you may be surprised.

    Here's the 24/7, where many locals took their last stand. Behind the counter is the entrance to the basement, and in the aisles you'll find a couple of guns, free of charge.

    Here's the Store's basement. In the corner is a turret, and you'll find a fair few weapons like maulers, brute shots, all that crap.

    Well, here's where the zombies spawn. Not too much, but for anyone who thinks they're quick enough, they'll find a flamethrower.

    Heres the school. Now, as you can imagine, the kids wern't too skilled in the area of weapons, so you'll only find some small arms in the classes. But stop by the storage closet. Turns out the cleaner was a bit of a nutter. And on the roof is of course a sniper rifle. Why not?

    Here is the truck which once delivered supplies to the store. Some of you may recognise this truck. That's because I blatantly copied it from one of my friends maps, Andy's gun Shop. Since this truck has only one entrance, the locals saw no reason to fit it with weapons. By the way, once you get in, you won't get out. That's why the Fusion Coil's there...

    Download the Map here: Train Wreck

    Download the Gametype here: No Go

    I'm fairly sure I met all the rule requirements, right?
    #1 JaceMc, Apr 12, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  2. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
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    Hey I'm guessing that this is your first posted map, so I won't give you a hard time, but your post must have embedded images (images you can see in the thread that you don't have to click on, if you need help check the second from the top thread of casual maps) once you put the images on, I'll make sure to download and check the map out. Hope I helped you and good luck.
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    yes what he said, but just to make it easier: CLICK HERE read tht, its what he said but this is the link
  4. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    Alright I'll get onto that, be back in 5.
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    alright i decided to check out the pics while ur embeddind nd id say it is pretty good. I like the story. Thts what caught me on and i always like to c tht in a map, which is y i always do tht lol, but yea, the pics r good... the train is a lttle small but im guessing its not supposed to really take place in there, thts just for spawning nd storytelling purposes (i think, idk) the store id say looks best... great job on tht. truck looks cool too, overall, aside from unembedded pics, which im sure ull hve fixed, this is a great first post... keep up the good wrk

    EDIT: forgot map link lol, thts prbly gonna be pretty important lol, just add tht nd im DLing
  6. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    Ok, got the pictures! Imageshack can be such a pain sometimes.

    And I got the link in there too, haha. So that's pretty much it for the post i think, now it's time to inspect the map.
    #6 JaceMc, Apr 12, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  7. LeafyOwNu2

    LeafyOwNu2 Ancient
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    You don't have the embed the links. No where in the guidelines does it say Make Sure to Embed Links. It is suggested, and that is all. It doesn't take that much time to click on a few links.

    It is easier for the user to see the map with them being embedded, but it's up to the poster whether or not he wants to.

    Also, the map looks great. I'm just not too much of a fan of infection. I play a few of them, just not enough to have my own collection of infection maps.
  8. JaceMc

    JaceMc Ancient
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    They're just easy to make and fun to play I think. I'm thinking of making a 2D CTF map next based off a game I like to play, but that'll be hard.
  9. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Ths looks like a prett solid map. Good use of Merging with map on the train station.
  10. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    This map to me just doesn't seem like it has anything out of the ordinary, i know there has already been a train made and the map was pretty good looking,

    i think it would be better if you maybe enclosed the space more and tried to make look more like a train

    other than that the building does look pretty good, maybe try to interlock a wee bit more tho
  11. doughboy530

    doughboy530 Ancient
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  12. Papaqueso

    Papaqueso Ancient
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    The map looks good, could u please tell us more about the game type, like is there only one human, or if u have lots of people are there more, whats the ratio like? the map is really put together well. 4.5/5
  13. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks pretty good, nicely detailed and a good idea the only thing is to strighten out sommestuff to make it smoother

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