Thats the thread on the Bungie site, quick description would be a big wall in the middle of Foundry. But its a thick wall, with 2 active floors and a teleporter on the roof (to the sword room). It's a team slayer map, for two teams of 4 (ish). I've tried to make it balanced and we had a 3v3 custom on it, fixed bits that the game threw up. So check it out and I hope this meets the requirements as I'm a bit rusty on the ol' HTTP :S
Re: Wall003 (working title, har har) This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
I'm a fan of the wall Idea, in fact I had started a wall map before Great wall came out, I was bummed when someone had already made it. That's when I created Quadrant. So I'm d/l your map, I'll post a review soon as I can.
I really dig the fat wall Idea, lends itself to many possibilites. Nice looking map. The problem I have with it, (without play testing) is the sword slash camo room, can be entered without teleporting. I'm not one to look for 'ways out of the map' but i recently played a puzzle map called ssomething like UnfixedpuzzleJ and part of that puzzle was learning how to jump through windows. so i tried and got in. It's a little difficult but it's possible, so in that case the people who spawn on that side can get to the powerup before the people on the opposing side. SO to even it out maybe put a power up on the other side or figure a better way to seal that room. I really like the weapon holder spawning different weapons/powerups thing, I have to play with that as i am somewhat of a noob with forge. I don't know all the nuances yet. Anyway, I think with a little tweaking this could be a great map.
This design of splitting Foundry into 2 sides is a bit overused now, but, it looks like you made it your own. Good work.
Hey guys, i'm in Egypt now, explaining why my posts are so delayed. Anyway, the sword camo could easily be fixed by moving it into the back corridor and opening the windowed rooms up. Thanks for downloading by the way fellas