com·pet·i·tive 1.of, pertaining to, involving, or decided by competition: competitive sports; a competitive examination. 2.well suited for competition; having a feature that makes for successful competition: a competitive price. 3.having a strong desire to compete or to succeed. 4.useful to a competitor; giving a competitor an advantage: He was careful not to divulge competitive information about his invention. should know what competitive is.... This is from the Competitive Maps Section, this was a great way to describe it...especially since i didn't feel like thinking of how to describe it... Post or view maps of a competitive nature which includes submissions that usually would be seen in matchmaking or at gaming tournaments. Swat, slayer, and objective gametypes would be examples. ALSO: to kron: Your welcome ALSO TO KRON: EPIC WIN DICTIONARY.COM!!! ROFL
i was wondering im some what new here ... how do u post the name of your map and make it a link to your map ??
Entirely wrong place I suppose but use this [Url-PUT_YOUR_URL_HERE]Download Here[/url] however replace the - next to url with an =
The submitters should give a reccommended gametype, and then when testing we do the reccommended gametype and then one of our choosing. But overall its your rules, Tex, and I dont mind thoughtlessly following you, you seem to know what you're doing.
Relevant point, but the applications are starting to be pumped out by i think it will be up to us judges to just work that out later, like, look at said map, think about what would play best (as gamers, we kinda know what is) then give it a go
does it matter where the link to our map is from (like can it be from forgehub or does it have to be from bungie).
darn. i just did this map yesterday where there was no interlocking except for one place for a crawlspace D: I'll win this for sure.
Seeing as how I've just found out about this contest now, I'd be willing to judge if the slot is still available - so long as it doesn't interfere with my own competition I'm having at the moment.
Well, that competition is ending on the 1st, and the judging for this contest won't begin until the 4th =] If you are willing to judge the numerous maps that are sure to come, I'd be glad to have you judge Dom
i made a map which had no interlocking, but i made a version 2 and added a little interlocking, soo little. just like 3 little intlerlocks... is that ok?
Jesus...More edits made =/ Most specific edit: ALSO: DO NOT POST YOUR MAP ON COMPETITIVE MAPS SECTION...Considering it won't be using any interlocking, you are bound to get flamed... Other edits: added Dom to judges Added another visible link near application area...
updated the link on the submission page, now it doesn't uses the budget glitch. Turns out I did go over a little, not too bad though, deleted a bridge going over the map, like 3 bridges and the barrels on it really. So yeah, the link I have on the submission thread is the right one. Use FFA slayer, teams aren't set up on it, smaller group is probably better, but idc about that.