*Be warned this map is not my usual standards - It does not include interlocking or geomerging it is but an entry to the "Lazy Mapmakers Contest" - I've said this now so any comments on interlocking, Geomerging or any other lack of advanced techniques used will be reported and -rep could possible be due* Download Enmity: Here Enmity First contest map made by Chicken Dippah First of all this map is really quite enjoyable as a Flag Ralley - Territories game trust me. Enmity is a map made for the Lazy Mapmakers Contest - So yeah you can expect it to not look quite as aesthetically pleasing as many of the other maps you may see on this website however I tried to make it look as pleasing as possible, Whilst still creating a fun team based map. The map consits of Two small triangular like bases with limited cover around and small bunker at opposite corners of the map, There is a wall stretching from one side of the map to another with a tunnel in the middle. There are 8 ways onto the wall. 4 Dumpster jumps and 4 stair cases. Once onto the bridge there is a small brute shot gap made aesthetically pleasing by BLADE814's clever use of shield doors and grav lifts (I had permission from him to use his aesthetics) or you can take one of the 4 bridges up to the highest canopy where you will find again limited cover by window panels and a Sniper on the floating pallet above. This map is quite an early entry but my birthday is on the 4th of July and thats when I was going to enter the day before and I'm going away for the week so here it is (yes a little rushed) The map is compatible with: Oddball - Team Oddball (10 Minute Games) Assault - Neutral Bomb (10 Minute Games) King of the Hill - Team King (10 Minute Games) Slayer - Team Slayer (10 Minute Games) Territories - Flag Rally (10 Minute Games) Team Vip (10 Minute Games) Weapon / Equipment List: 6 Battle Rifles (30 Seconds Respawn) 5 Assault Rifles (30 Seconds Respawn) 4 Smg's (Never Respawn) 2 Maulers (60 Seconds Respawn) 4 Plasma Grenades (45 Seconds Respawn) 4 Frag Grenades (10 Seconds Respawn) 4 Spike Grenades (30 Seconds Respawn) 4 Spikers (30 Seconds Respawn) 1 Brute Shot (45 Seconds Respawn) 1 Sniper (90 Seconds Respawn) 2 Covenant Carbines (180 Seconds Respawn) 1 Regenerator (60 Seconds Respawn) 1 Bubble Shield (45 Seconds Respawn) 2 Trip Mines (60 Seconds Respawn) Screenshots: Lets see if people actually read any of the above? If not bring on the stupidity. Half Overview. Half Overview 2. Base (Both are identical so I wont waste your bandwith with two screens). Drop down entrance to base. Sexy Lights next to brute shot spawn (Thanks ever so much to BLAZE814, His map this is featured on can be found Here) Small Pockets at the bottom of the wall 4 in total. Thanks for veiwing my contest entry and a warm good look to all those participating . Download Enmity: Here
this looks pretty good id say u need a little more work like adding cover, but its pretty good starter... how about a version 2
-God save us! It's too awsome! RUUUN!! -eeeek! -AAH my eyes! They popped out cuz of the awsomness! lol I wonder how I came up with that^ Anyway, The map looks really well made. I bet 100 bucks that I can make an even lazier map ^^
heh you only get one map for the contest and I'm pretty sure your not aloud to edit not that I want to im fed up with not interlocking now but maybe if the response from the judges are good Ill make a v2 with interlocked details. Untill then nope
Almost didnt see that. I look forward to judging. My first impression was that it seemed a bit open. But to be honest it actually looks very suited for Slayer BRs or Assault. Looks good for playability rather than aesthetics. For the next couple weeks I'm expecting to see a lot of Playability>Looks maps.
Indeed you will Looks are difficult to pull off everything has holes theres bumps not to mention the limitations, Im close to suicidal. Damn tex for making such an awesome contest...
lol I'm waiting too, I made an aesthetic map that people asked for screenshots, that got incoherently raped by "But I can do that" "it sucks" "cant play this it sux" I come to expect stupidity nowadays!
so the shield doors do not count as interlocking with the box above it? (in the lights) Well technically no I guess since they normally can interlock with anything. Otherwise I like the look of the map, and I might have to steal your 'sexy lights' for use with another map!
I seriously do not recommend using the "Lights" as its not my idea, I loaned this idea for this map only off of BLAZE814 so please do not on my say so or without consulting him take anything from this map And yes shield doors dont count as interlocking because they go into any gap with out using the interlocking method.
looks really well done for a map with no interlocking (because it is supposed to be that way) and it looks very playable unlike most non-interlocked maps 4.8/5
Seeing as I am terrible at interlocking, this map is right at home to me. Looks like a very fun play, and will be DLed asap.
Yea this map isn't bad but it definitely needs interlocking. Do the doors not count as interlocking since they kinda interlock themselves magically like the shield doors do too? This map proves that you can make well done maps with great playability without all of those fancy advanced forging techniques. Definitely gonna have to download this since I love flag rally. Oh and by the way, I'm kidding about the whole interlocking bit. Lol you're talking about "Lab Hog" right? I remember looking through that thread. It's amazing how dumb people can be.
Lol I'm so glad your joking about the interlocking I was going to screenshot it and put that in my sig lol and yeah doors were allowed in the competition as were window panels as they already merge with other objects to help get better fits - I haven't confirmed it with Tex yet but im pretty sure its allowed as all I did was place the shield doors then a box over them which isn't interlocking IMO.
Cool, Not my idea them lights they are BLAZE814's from his map Battery you should check it out. Was it the layout of the map or the tidyness? or lack of cover because I tryed to get it as neat as possible without interlocking and the layout is mix of a game that I used to love so regardless I love this map its not much of a looker or anything special it just plays like a dream, even though its ment for 5v5. 2v2 territories is still fun