Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by a gu1tar her0, Jun 15, 2008.
Download at Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
thats cool. it would be cool if that actually meant something.
Wait ...Wait...Wait.You just realized that picture? Lulz I laugh at you.
Thats been there since Halo 1 I think.
Qft.... Qft
WTF, how could you not see that until now.
yea it would be cool if it meant something
Has to be the Covanant word for grenade!
looks good iv never seen it close up, it could stand for something i wonder what, simple but nice
I never noticed this before, I think I seen a modded double box with that symbol on it before.
well you should zoom in on a spike grenade next
i have always wondered what that means but the pic is nothing special