thekidbd4 n3wb when it comes to forge, looking for some experience i have some maps that could use some tweaking 19 mic -- yes time-- whenever, nights and weekends
even though your application wasn't in the correct format thekid, i will still put your name on the original post..
**Iportant News** Well guys I am in need of a forgemate.I need one pretty badly that has ALOT of patience (ALOT).So if anyone is interested then just send me a request at MLGLR playahata.The map I have in mind includes alot of merging+interlocking so come prepared for ass-busting work.
GT: Lantus Nova Hours: 12:00 AM-8:00 PM I Really don't people joining the game and spawning crap along with spartan laser's to kill you when you're a monitor, and a Sword to kill you when you're a Spartan. DANG YOU SALISAR!!!
Gamertag: Fornozo Times you can get on: Almost whenever tho my timezone is GMT +1 Mic yes/no?: OFC i got one Something describing yourself: Most pro elite of all time
GT: Acutaly cool Times I can be on: In the Summer, almost always, although i'll be leaving shortly, and I really don't have much time to forge in the school year. I hope to get one partner map done before I leave. Mic: Yes TZ: EST The reason I wan't a "forge-mate" is to help show me some of the tricks and tips I don't know, I'm sorta new to forging, I know inter-locking and all that jazz, but I really just want to get to know forging in and out before I go solo. ALSO: I don't have any good maps iv'e made, so far iv'e been practicing forging techniques.
Gamertag: xRedNormandyx Times you can get on: Every other week during the summer Mic yes/no?: Yes What is so special about me: I typically make different types of switches for my maps but in order to make sure it works, I make a test version on a blank foundry. The only real thing I need in a Forgemate is someone who can get ideas. I iz 14... Sample Maps are in my sig
...I like long walk on the beac-Oh wait... Great thread idea Tex, but you guys will never beat the AZN/Asper partnership!
Gamertag: - newbpwner92, thats right the pwner of newbs Times you can get on: almost anytime - summer vaction ftw!(1st and 3rd weeks of july im gone) Mic yes/no?: of course Something describing yourself: 16 yrs, suck at coming up with ideas, but can forge pretty well, can show multiple maps of mine upon request lastest map attempting to do compleatly without interlocking - Fort McHenry, working on a small fast paced mini game right now, pm for beta
Gamertag - Fleabus 7 Times I get on - Whenever I'm not at school or doing HW. Mic yes/no - Yes (I won't forge with someone without a mic) Something describing yourself - I'm 15, Australian and i'm pretty good at forge (check out the two maps in my sig) however I suck at coming up with ideas.
Gamertag: RENT less Times I'm on: it all depends, differ times differ days. Mic: Yes About me: I'm 16, Im learning forge, I'm not horrible but i'm not the greatest, I can do pretty much all the forge glitches. I always ready to make a map, but I just never have any ideas on what to do.
Gamertag: Shaking Bro Times you can get on: 5-9pm GMT+10 (Australian EST) Mic yes/no?:Yes Something describing yourself: I'm a cross between grif, The Arbiter (from AATC) and Sarge.
Gamer tag: kamakse times on : its summer so any time i want Mic/ Yes i am 13 white and am OK a forging
Gamertag: DarkBlades25 Times you can get on: Mornings/Day/Late Nights 12(midnight) -6pm, Pacific Standard Time. Mic yes/no?: Yes and No, mostly yes Something describing yourself: Im a Game Designer at DeVry University, im looking to create something cool out of forge, I have tons of Ideas, im a leader but open to hear what my team has to say. As long as were all on the same page, we can get our project finished. I am also looking for members to join my clan, "TeamForge25", if your interested, send me a message at DarkBlades25
Gamertag: Flawless Blades Times you can get on: I can get on just about whenever I want. But I am not on much since there's no one to play Halo with. So just send me a PM on FH and I will be on. Mic yes/no?: Yeah Something describing yourself: I am 15 but my voice has yet to mature so yeah...I can be an ass at times but nice at times. Sometimes I also whine alot but sometimes I am as silent as ice. It all depends on my mood at the moment. I notice that a bunch of people can't come up with ideas, well I have a bunch of ideas that I usually can't do by myself. I also have a clan though we hardly forge together we made a map called King Tower. It's on my member's fileshare but he doesn't have a Bungie account. It's right here if you're interested.
tex. instead of the link on the persons name taking you to there profile you should have it go to there post so we can see there maps and stuff b/c it takes awile to find there post.. just an idea to try to help