PWNED Arena Created by Veon 115 Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer (NO MORE THAN 4 TEAMS!!!) PWNED Arena Layout This game should NEVER be played with more than 8 people. If there are more than eight, than the gameplay is just awefull, for this arena is not very large. The PWNED Arena is made in the shape of an octogon. However, "Fight Pit" is a square. This arena holds many different varieties of both human and Covenant weapons. Equipment, whether it be grenades or shields, are spread out throughout the sides and corners of the arena. Teams spawn on opposite ends of the arena, however, if you play with more than two teams then the third and fourth teams will spawn in the corners and opposite sides of the arena. Players usually respawn at the teleporter, back-to-back to avoid immediate killing of another player. There truley is no "Spawn Killing" in this respawn area, because there is so much chaos in the arena. -Eventually, a gravity hammer appears on one end of the arena floor. -Next, machine gun turrets spawn below the spawn points of the two teams -Finally, a rocket with no spare clips spawns after 180 seconds. There is a teleporter in the center for a reason. Durring my early test runs I found some ways to get out of the arena. I have now made it virtually impossible to get out (unless you change the gametypes around. That's just cheap in my opinion.) However, if you DO make it pass the man-cannons and teleporters, there are two teleporters outside of the arena that take you back in. Interlocked in the following places: -Corners of the arena -Fence walls -Single boxes with fence boxes -Double boxes with walls _________________________________________________ View of Arena 1 View of Arena 2 View of Arena 3 Action View More pictures coming soon! _________________________________________________ Thank you to everyone that helped me test out the gameplay in this map! Enjoy everyone! Download PWNED Arena
Wow lol i made a almost the same similare map as this but i deleted it good job but you couldve interlocked those doubles boxes to make the map more cleaner looks like fun if 10 people play for a rumble! =p Good job i guess
Ok! I'll interlock in version 2! But thanks for giving me that advice. I was going to do that, but it proved dificult. Plus, I have interlocked on other things such as the fence walls, regular walls and some double boxes and single boxes. I'll put that in the first post.
Even though it's my own map, I agree, interlocking could have been used more. However, I have OCD when it comes to these kinds of maps, so it is really straight and symmetrical design-wise. Even though it is not interlocked, I made it so you wouldn't get caught in cracks and crevaces. Trust me, it's still pretty good without interlocking, but I'll take that into consideration next time.
Well thanks, but that's the point. It is a basic close-quarters combat map. It is not meant to really be too strategic, but trust me, it get crazy when in play.