Station 57Q Created by CPV18 Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Team Swat Multi-Flag Assault Team King Team Odd-Ball *Those are the only ones it is set up for. Map Story Station 57Q, previously known as Crack Town, was a wild and unruly place full of thugs and arms dealers. Then at the outbreak of the Spartan Civil War, or as we now know it, Red Vs Blue Operation: Teabag, the blues moved in and tamed the city. They took control of everything and everyone. They set up a strategic base on one side of the city for maximum protection. Then the Reds caught whiff of this secret outpost of the Blues, so they fought there way into town and built an exact replica of the Blue base for themselves. The Red commander had this to say at the time: “ If the Blues have it, we want it too!”. And to this day the Red’s and Blue’s have been engaged in battles over Flags, Skulls, Bombs, and battles just to kill. Map Description Pictures say a thousand words. And for those of you who read the description: Station 57Q is a symmetrical 2 sided base map built on Foundry. Station 57Q uses forge techniques such as Interlocking and Floating Objects. This map was designed for Team Game-types and is best used with Multi Flag. The center of the map is like the rockets on Narrows or The Pit, except for it’s with a sword. Each base is equipped with a Mongoose for some fast paced getaways. There are also man-cannons that shoot you to the opposite side of the map. Tele-porters are located under each walkway and they take you to the upper balcony. Both bases are interlocked as well as the 2 side structures. Walkways are located in the 4 structures and weapons are in them. Weapons and Equipment Weapons: 30 Second Spawns: 2xPlasma Pistol 2xNeedlers 8xBattle Rifles 2xMaulers 2xSMG’s 2xMagnums 2xTurrets 90 Second Spawns: 1xEnergy Sword 2xSniper Rifles Equipment: 30 Second Spawns: 2xTrip Mines 2xPower Drainer 1xBubble Shield 1xRegenorator Grenades: 30 Second Spawns: 8xPlasma 4xSpike Vehicles 2xMongoose _________________________________________________ Overview from room side of Foundry Overview from Base B Tunnel under Base A(Needler spawn) Tunnel under door side structure(Sniper 1 spawn) Tele-porter view from Base A ground Door placement in Base B corner Center structure view from Base B floor level(Mauler spawn) Man-cannon Base B Door side structure(BR and Trip-mine spawn)[/i] Side view of Base B Mongoose Spawn Base A _________________________________________________ Updates for v2: 1. Fix all interlocking problems. 2. Make shorter lines of sight. 3. Release Date for v2: TBD Updates for V2-11:38 PST 6/17 V2 is coming along nicely. I have fixed the interlocking problems and have proceeded to adding some scenery to the map. I had a short setback when I went to restart the round and I ended the game without saving about 2 hours worth of work but it should be ready for download soon. I am also looking for some testers of the new version so please message me if you want to help. Kthxbai. Download Station 57Q
seem s good. however next time i wouldnt point out my own flaws "fix interlocking problems" lol good job
I knwo but I wanted to let members know that I need to fix some interlocking things. So that they don't tell me about if alot. And its for V2 so if you have and suggestions let me know.
the middle is pretty sweet. some parts look a bit to open but thats alright.. some people just may not like that. good job. i have a sugestion tho fo r the man cannon... make the mancannon not spawn atstart and sit a fence wall exactly on the wall and then see how that works.
the interlocking on this one looks really nice if there WAS one thing i'd change though, it would be your font color xD great map; Q'd for download
Thanks. Lol the font was meant to grab your attention. i got used to it when writing so it doesn't bother me.
Interlocking is great design is great but just a lottle to open IMO. Some people like that, so to each his own. 3/5
Looks great to play with alot of people in, alright with the interlocking love the stair thing its cool 3.5/5
yeah it is really fun. The long line of sights make it pretty fun as well but thats just me opinion since I like to BR.
This map looks like one of those maps where you can sit there with a couple of friends and play for hours at a time. The interlocking is somewhat good and could use some improvement, but the overall map structure is fine. Qued for DL
Hey, it looks like you spent a lot of time on it, I like when maps kinda converge together... if you fix the interlocking, it will be a pretty solid map in my opinion -jelly
Yeah thanks. I am currently working on V2 and all the things being fixed are in the original post. It is coming along great and should be out sometime this month. I will have it finished sooner but I want to let everyone test this one out first.