Please Watch the video to understand this map.. 1v1 is a fun multi person 1 on 1 match. What i mean by multi person, is that you can have a max of 8 players in the game and still only do 1 on 1 So how does this work? Its simple, you spawn and fight your first opponent. The winner of that battle is soon to battle the next opponent. Then the winner of that battle is going to battle the winner of the other side. Its loads of fun with 8 people, and only people, any more people than that it turns into a unfair match, and plus i only put 8 spawns to fix this issue of more people Playing with 8 people is the best way to play, but you can play with anything from 4 players to 8. Give this map a try, you'll sure to love it, trust me. This map is only compatible with the gametype Elimination. Pictures The First Battle The Dumpsters Spawn after 20 seconds, giving you access to the next opponent Following the second battle, it opens up to the final 1v1. Download 1v1 Download Elimination
Hello, This type of map seems to be quite popular atm. I recently saw a map posted with the same concept - Many people start in 1v1 elimination style fighting a lot like Bruce Lee's unfinished film "Game of death" (for those interested this was the film Bruce Lee had planned to be the demonstration piece of his martial art Jeet Kune Do. Ninety plus minutes of footage was shot before his death, some of which was later misplaced in the Golden Harvest archives, and has not yet been recovered) In fact if you ever get to watch the first half of the film ever found Might i suggest making this type of map based on the film it would be really interesting to play in my opinion. Anyway this map looks well built and all however im sure this requires some degree of cooperation between players - Seen in the first screenshot what stops a player from grenade jumping over and involving ones self in another fight? Unless your gametype lowers gravity and -Grenades? That was my only gripe looks awesome to play but you could have interlocked that little bit more but hey whos looking at the scenery in such a hot match like this. 5/5
You dont start with grenades, but you get them on the last stage and the second stage. Almost everything is interlocked..
why is everyone doing these kinds of maps now?what ever happened to creativity and originality? well i will give you a 3/5 for taking time to set this up.not a bad concept,just that i think it's way overused and overrated
2 maps my friend no need to flame this perfectly original map is there, and yes th2mods I can full well see that you have interlocked, but the boxes for example in the first shot could be interlocked into each other just for extra aesthetics but like I said whos lookin' anyway?
3/5 pretty madde simple no interlocking i think that even on one on one you might need more cover than to stairs and interlocking would make this map a little tink better better luck for you on any of your upcoming maps.
i've never tried using an elimination gametype before, but now i'm starting to think otherwise... i like this idea; Q'd for download
Your talking to me like i dont know what interlocking is... Check my sig for my race map.. there is actually quite a bit of interlocking in this map, if you would download and actually look at it... and the gameplay is better than the map itsselve. Actually the stairs are to much cover, and without stairs its whoever takes the first shot wins.
just wonderin, but i played this exact same map no more than 5 hours ago with tyrant hacker american10 sirtoppemhat and a couple of others im pretty sure tyrant was making the one we were playin on though, does anyone know if this is the same map?
oh ok ok i was about to say lol, i feel dumb, buts anyways this is a really good map i like the addition with the stairs, although its dumb sometime when you get someone to no sheild and then they hide behind there good job on the map, maybe ill play with you sometime in the future on this map??
Sweet you postede this map,this is really fun and way better then the other ones.Everyone if you like tounements the download this.