Crossroads v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Possessed Goat, Jun 17, 2008.


Crossroads v1

  1. Poor

    0 vote(s)
  2. Decent

    0 vote(s)
  3. Good

    0 vote(s)
  4. Great!

    1 vote(s)
  5. "I'll wait till v2 to decide."

    1 vote(s)
  1. Possessed Goat

    Possessed Goat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Crossroads v1
    Balanced map made for team based game types.

    This is v1 mainly because its the first version I have made.

    Touchups I am planning to do:
    • Center and straighten box and bridges in middle.
    • Neaten area near brute shot spawn.
    • Add more cover on bubble shield walkway.
    • Re-arrange weapons.




    #1 Possessed Goat, Jun 17, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  2. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    looks good but personally i dont like maps that are based around a center piece... sorry its just not very original... still a great map, Peace
  3. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    Hi welcome to forgehub!

    when I first looked at the title I thought someone stole my map....(now I know they just stole the name lol)...Now onto an actual review of the map...

    This is great for your first map here at forgehub...I can see right off the bat from your post that you will have a good time here (you have followed all the rules)...A longer description on the map itself might help (maybe put up a list of weapons and such..including there spawn times and starting ammunition.....Also those barriers don't look to appealing to me up by the rocket launcher (neither do they anywhere on the map)...I also believe the weapon holder looks bad, and so do most people here at next time you should interlock it just enough into the box below it....I also don't like it being open....I know it was part of your design, but it just seems like an unneeded bump on the walkway...It also doesn't seem like you put much cover in the map, so I think you need to add more cover throughout the map...unless you were going for more of an mlg feel or something (which rockets don't fit mlg)...other then that it looks pretty good for your first map! Good job!
  4. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Looks aright couldve put more cover on the outside i personnaly think and that means alot of more cover cuz the outside is plain and there is no vehichles so ill give this map a 3/5
  5. Possessed Goat

    Possessed Goat Ancient
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    Yea, I guess I was going for a more MLG feel.

    This is v1, I have been planning to change the barriers out for "half up" walls interlocked with the boxes. As I said before I plan to re arrange the weapons because I personally did not like the rockets either. I also plan to switch out many of the other weapons.

    Oh, and Firetag, I'm sorry, I didn't realized you had a map under the same name. But nowadays, you can name you map anything aside from sjfnsdjknsdafn and it seems to be taken.
    #5 Possessed Goat, Jun 17, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  6. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    good job for first map but it seems to be missing things
  7. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a really nice map for it being open
  8. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
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    I also made a map named Crossroads :) small world. But on to the real review...

    For me the map is too open. Me and my guest played through this and there were too many times where I was sniped with a BR because of the lack of cover. Now barriers are nice in some places but you just have too many.
    Wrong Firetag. Rockets are indeed allowed in MLG but only if you have 0 extra clips and 120 sec respawn.
    Overall though I like the idea but its just too open for me. 4/5.

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