I've decided to make some movie sets for The Hub, and I'm not much of an idea person.. So far I got the following: The Pit: News Station Locker Room High Ground: Computer Command Center ideas?
Really, why is there a movie set slot when your the only one doing it. Oh and for Guardian, do a tribal movie set.
haha, well i dont get ideas unless im pressured into it (i.e. a deadline) my friend hasta write a script for a movie and direct it, so i told him to make a Halo 3 machinima and that I'd build the sets and do various voices for it
On Rat's Nest you could make Ricky Bobby 2! hahaha and on Last Resort you could make a D-Day movie or something...
Idea!! We do a saving private ryan remake on a d-day last resort map.. trickmyster would totally approve of that, i hope... lawl
Just a few ideas you could do. Small projects: Restaurant Supermarket Firing range Big Projects: Mall Parking Garage Large Headquarters Type building just to name a few.... -Grimz13
For a command/computer center, I suggest using Standoff. You know, the bases actually come with a computer/command base, and you can customize whether to open the windows or not. xD