THE YEAR 39XX The galaxy's most awesome and popular sport, Mongoose Racing, has come to Earth. The officials at the Galactic Mongoose Racing League (GMRL) have discovered a new location to race. It is now known as the Goose Cup 500. I realized my last race map was too narrow, and it was too hard to navigate. This problem is solved in this map, Goose Cup 500. I am now a huge fan of race maps, and i aspire to make one worthy of I have improved upon my last map due to your criticism. I greatly would appreciate any kind of feedback, constructive or critical, as long as it helps me make a better map. Anyways, on to the map! This is the starting box, and where all the mongooses spawn. The first turn, and the mongoose hill climb. Going back downstairs to the side of the map. The corner wall turn. Going across the bridge to score...... ......and then going around again! As some of you sharp-eyed observers have noticed in my last map, I had a penalty box. This is to keep people playing properly, and if you happen to cheat, a suicide plus a -1 point reward. I believe cheaters never prosper, and this is why I chose to put this in. I'd like to think my brother and TDHarding for helping me test this map, and as a tribute to that test, I threw this picture in. TDHarding is in blue, and I am in pink. Thank you guys for taking the time to read this thread, and I hope you enjoy the map!! Goose Cup 500 GAMETYPE GOOSE CUP IS REQUIRED TO PLAY Goose Cup
I would have to say that the three posts above mine could be marked as spam. Oh Well. _______ Anyway, I can't really tell much of the layout from the pictures you took. Is it possible to take an overview picture, deleting any roofed areas? Oh, and this guy - - - Didn't Download your map, I checked it.
some constructive critisim it seems quite small... i think maybe you could add a ramp that goes up then you go down a spiraled ramp to the finish... what ever it does not matter that much... just seems small
Sabian try some mad interlocking. Like everywhere. That could really spruce it up. I like the interlocked corner walls though kinda reminds me of mine.
thx guys, but maybe instead of just looking at my pics, do you think you could download and check it out? i mean, i dont like it when ppl dont like your pics, and then they dont download without trying out the map
I'm sorry for not downloading the map. I'm not really a fan of race maps, usually they get boring for me after the first time, unless they are really good. The 100 saved item limit doesn't help any with me downloading a race map. =/ sorry.
yea im not a fan of race maps but this map is pretty good the only race map i really liked good job 4/5
it looks great, but I hate racing and have no race maps on my harddrive but I was really close to dling theis one, despite my hate of races, but it is so small
it is actually bigger than it looks because my stupid xbox bricked on me, and i couldnt take any more screenshots so when i get my xbox back from microsoft, i will post more pics. thx for all the feedback guys