OK YOU just Pissed me off. Why would you think that this was one of my friends that reviewed it, I've never heard of the guy before, I didn't ask him to review my map, he just posted it on the bungie.net forums. This is ridiculous, and I'm really mad that you'd think that I'd stoup to the level of fake quoting someone, look on the bungie thread of my map, that exact post is there. I'd even let you write your own review giving my map a 0/5 and post it on my page if you would spend the time to look threw it and give me an honest review. And for the originality part please show me one map that has a similar layout of mine because I have worked really hard on coming up with unique layouts for maps and when I get crap like this it honestly hurts. Again I don't mind negative comments as long as you justify it by giving my map a fair chance. Furthermore, I am proud of recieving that review so I'm really mad that someone wouldn't believe that I got that just by looking at the pictures. Do I really deserve to be insulted because someone enjoys my map? Why wouldn't I put a good review someone gave me on my thread and how could you insult me because of them enjoying my map and posting a positive review about it?
Has anyone found any use out of my MS Paint thing, I posted it since a lot of people wanted an overview of the map. I'm hoping more people might dl since they were confused by the layout...
A three-part release of maps specifically designed for SWAT? I love it. The map just plain looks good. I'll definitely check it out, and hopefully you set a nice standard for the next two. One small OCD note: Different fonts for headers? SAD FAIC
Well, when I release the whole map pack, I will type up this story thing that has to do with a swat team going through missions, for that you will use swat variant game types. This will all be explained better in the map pack thread, but don't expect it to come for quite awhile because I have finals next week so I won't be able to forge much (after that it's summer and then I'll start pumping out the maps.) Thanks for the support. Edit: Thanks for the heads up on the headers, I didn't notice that.
I'm noat a big house fan, the rockets and close range weapons kill it, try a new idea is all I can say
the layout is very old i have seen many house maps and 3 story houses. but this one has some very nice interlocking, but some you could have done better in but i would probably say this is a 4/5 well done though cant wait for the last map in the map pack to come out im looking forward to it.
People keep saying the layout is old or something, I would really appreciate it if someone sent me a link to another 3 story house map, I've honestly neer seen one before! I agree with you completely I the gameplay is really good with the combination of my weapon placement, but not everyone seems to think so for whatever reason, Thanks for the support. Thanks for the support I always appreciate comments like this. I really don't think the weapons kill it because i've set their respawn time and clips to keep them out of it a lot of the time, I think you should give it a try, you might be surprised.
i like the map i like the Atiac because it has a rocket in it so real it is a relly well made map well done
I like it a lot but I don't think rockets belong in such a close quarters map good overall 8/10, could be like 8.5 if you re-did the weapons