This is my first ever map posted on forge hub.This is a great FFA map and party size should range from about 8-10 players. There are lots of power weapons in here and some great hiding spots to go allong with them as well. In a lot of other FFA maps i find, their are not many with vehicles. However Rampage! is not one of them. Their is a mini-garage which holds a warthog, a ghost, and two mongooses. Theses vehicles come in handy well because the main center has lots of flat driving space. Here are some of the power weapon placements: Rockets Sniper Rifle (my favorite battle area on the map) Sword Spartan Laser And finally the all mighty custom power-up. Which used at the correct time, will get you out of any jam. So this is my new map Rampage!, I hope you and your friends like the map and continue to download my future maps. Any comments would be helpful. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply ListingDownload Rampage!]Download Rampage! Gametype (kill the beast)
Looks very well made, but it does not belong here. It belongs in the maps section, located here: Maps Section (click me) Please re post it there in one of those 5 categories. :] EDIT: Also, when making a link, you don't have to but it looks nicer and cooler to not show the link, like this: Just type: [*URL=Link here]Map Name Here[/URL*] just don't use the Asterisks, star shaped things. XD
I like the little space to aim through with those double walls, but can you crouch through them? I never have liked vertical open boxes, it just looks dumb in my opinion, sorry. Anyway, it looks a bit open where there isn't a building.
thanks for all the comments i really appreciate it and i will relocate my map to the map section my bad and i left the open space because without it there would be no point to the vehicles if tht makes any sense
no need anymore :] LON3 did it already XD But its ok, everyone makes mistakes at first. And everyone gets back up and gets along fine :]
it wont let me post any more maps tho in the map section its saying my account was temporairily disabled or somthin what should i do?
I love the sniper place here and there couldve been more cover on the bottom i good job tho 3/5 couldve interlocked more.
Well ill redo some of the map with more and better interlocking techniques maybe take out the unused vehicles and do somethin sweet for the open space on the bottom so watch for V2 of Rampage!