-The Final Boss- Created by blanman This map uses it's own custom gametype, "Boss Battle" Map Description After playing some of the infamous Fat Kid, I came up with some ideas for a map. Most of them being one player vs others style. But, then, I came up with this. I had drawn out some other map layouts, but I decided this one, I might use some others so there might be a Final Boss 2. Anyways, the way this works is one player is chosen at random from the group to be the Final Boss, and the others have to fight him. Simple. The Boss has a laser and the "Warriors" have BRs. Don't worry, his shields don't regenerate. It's pretty fun. Being the boss can be annoying, but I didn't want him feel happy during the game, hes supposed to be annoyed by the little people. Also- I know I could have done the gametype on Juggernaut, but I'm more comfortable with Infection settings. ______________________________________________________ The Lair Effective Cover ______________________________________________________ Official Map Varient Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Official Gametype Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Hey this is my exact idea for my map that's coming out! I'm not critisizing or saying stuff like 'hey this is my idea, you stole it!' I'm saying that I think its a well laid out plan! The map looks excellent too, lots of interlocking! Great job, keep up the good forging! ~Randle $candal
This sord of reminds me of the old gaunlet legends boss, the 3 headed dragon. Becasue you had to like duck behind rocks and shoot the dragons heads with your arrows or swords. Well anyway I love the idead 5/5
This looks amazing. Nice interlocking. I was wondering about the gametype though. could you tell me more?
this is like mine that is coming out also! i really like this one 2. the interlocking in the back is very good and the use of the barriers as pillars was cool! u should see mine when it comes out!
seems okay but how long does it take to kill the boss (wasnt there a map named final boss already or am i just crazy?)
Really, It's not impossible. With the current settings, it is good for a party of 3-8 Players, although it has enough spawnpoints for a full party. If you want, you could change the Boss' Shields. It depends on the amount of players. Also, there is a grav lift that you can throw under the fusion coils, letting them hover right next to the boss.
At first, yeah, but I brought down the players damage modifier, to make it better. I tested different weapons, BRs seemed the most fun.
This looks like a lot of fun, however I do seem to recall that name from a different map. Rofl watevs. This has great interlocks and looks like a fun time. Questino tho- in that first pic, is the caption supposed to be The Lair? cuz it says liar.... lolwut? great job. -MattDGiant
Wow.I looked at that caption like 5 times and didn't see that. Thanx. For that and for the other goodd feedback.