I've reached a conclusion. I shall buy halo 3 and a 360 on friday hopefully. Now I have to solve the matter of how to get xbox live... TO THE LAWL-MOBILE!!!!
just wait and save you money up so that you will not only be able to buy Halo 3 and the 360 but buy other games as well. i work for gamestop and i would just say buy a used or better yet refurbished because it got fixed by microsoft and a used hard drive, it will cost you less and your 360 will work like new. and who knows that hard drive might have some free arcade games on it. there is one thing about buying new and that it feels great and you know that nobody messed with it and you get the joys of opening it up, i enjoyed that very much , but if you don,t are about that stuf then go used and ask about their warrenty on used systems because i might change in between now and then. happy doing whatever.
Suggestion: Buy off Ebay (Make sure it is new;I dont want this to come back to me for faulty things) I use Ebay all the time, I have bought 2 Ps3 for a hundred dollars off the store price right when the ps3 came out, and I have gotten multiple xbox live cards, year long, for $20. I have never been ripped off when BUYING. Selling however, I always seem to get my auction hacked (which I can fix easily). But the point is, I bet you can get a premium 360 new for like $260-280, and halo for like $45 which would save you a lot of money.
Yeah, you should buy it now while it is a good deal with those two free bundled games which are really a limited time offer
I got them!! :squirrel_giggle: Also my dad was nice and bought an extra controller. But they canceled the deal with the 2 free games at the gamestop i bought them at *sigh* BUT I GOT EM!!!
Wait a little longer and see if you can get Halo 3 used. Aside from that though, now is as good a time as any. Just get the $400 xbox at all costs, no matter what. Dont get the core, it doesnt have a hard drive. Get the one with the two controllers the headset and the hard drive.
I would suggest getting it now. I dont' see anytime in the future when they will reduce the price or anything.
Buy it whenever you want. I bought mine off ebay, its sucks and is breaking down. I have tried both the wireless network adapter and cable for online play; the cable is 10x better and 1/4 the price. For your xbox live supscription, go with the cards (1 month, 3 month, ect.) They are a lot safer and there is no hidden fee's. My suggestion for you: Buy a regular xbox new ($350) Get games off ebay (a lot cheaper) Go to best buy, and buy a cable for online play ($10-25) If you are open to playing a variety of games, you should try assassins creed, COD4, and GH3. If you get it set up anytime soon you can add my gamertag to your friends list and I'd be happy to help you with anything.
I would say wait untell you have some more money, because when i got mine I ended up spending $700. if you have a crappy t.v. you should get a new one. i would also look into getting a wireless adapter for the internet conection. it is so much easyer.